

  • Hello! My name is Lisa and I started the IP diet 02/05/13. I had my yearly physical in the past couple of months and the doctor basically told me I was pre-diabetic at this time. My blood preasure and cholesteral levels have also been a problem in the last 5 yrs. So, I had to make a change.... After a little research, I…
  • HI! Although I've been on my current weight loss journey since last June 09', I just recently started using MyFitnessPal this past March and I am SO glad I did! The site has really helped me count my calories and it is SO easy to use! I just love this site and I recommend it to all my friends! Even if one of your friends…
    in New Comment by Lil69446 July 2010
  • Thanks for the Welcome! Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. Although I check in, I forgot to check the message boards! I'm still moving right along, feeling better all the time. I still can't believe how handy this Fitness Pal IS! It really does help a person keep track of food intake and everything else that goes along…