
I was just introduced to this site after reading a magazine that showed a lady had shed 45 pounds and tracked her progress by this site. I have been on many many weight loss programs and spent a lot of money. It seems as if just one day I woke up fat, not realizing what I have done to myself this whole time of getting as big as I am! I am an active person and I love to exercise and am going to try Zumba. I have thyroid problems and the doctors cannot get my medicine regulated and my heart races all the time and the doctors seem to think it is because of my thyroid so working out can be tricky because my heartrate goes thru the roof. So anyhow, this seems like a really neat site to interact with others and track your calories.


  • kitnkabdl
    kitnkabdl Posts: 5
    Welcome! I am pretty new too and it is a great site so far. I love how easy it is to track my daily feedings and workouts... and how easy it is to meet new people.

    I am looking to lose about 70-80 pounds and just run amuck with food after 7pm... right now.. I am so out of control...
  • Welcome, I have to agree with you, this site is awesome and encouraging! I just started this weight loss journey and want to lose 50lb. so I have a long way to go...
  • Lil69446
    Lil69446 Posts: 4
    HI! Although I've been on my current weight loss journey since last June 09', I just recently started using MyFitnessPal this past March and I am SO glad I did! The site has really helped me count my calories and it is SO easy to use! I just love this site and I recommend it to all my friends! Even if one of your friends is slender but has a special diet to follow, MyFitnessPall is so handy! I too have Thyroid problems and I also have high B/P issues. Losing a few lbs. sure does make a difference. My back feels better and the doctor has been able to reduce my Synthoid med. Just keep up the great work and WELCOME to the group! :happy: