Hi! Taking Control of my Life! :)

I'm Lisa and I have been loving My Fitness Pal! My two coworkers and I have been walking on our lunch breaks and are supporting each other in our weight loss goals. My Fitness Pal is SO handy in calculating all of my meals! I've lost 26 lbs since June 09. lost 12 of those lbs since starting My Fitness Pal in March 10'. I feel so much better. Keep your eye on your dreams and never give up! :)


  • pickles77
    pickles77 Posts: 47
    That's great Lisa!!! Go you! Its always great to see that this site really does help people acheive their short and long term goals!! Feel free to add me as a friend! Im always lookin for new buddies to share stories and ideas with!
  • That's so great! Welcome. Glad you decided to say hi!
  • Lil69446
    Lil69446 Posts: 4
    Thanks for the Welcome! Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. Although I check in, I forgot to check the message boards! I'm still moving right along, feeling better all the time. I still can't believe how handy this Fitness Pal IS! It really does help a person keep track of food intake and everything else that goes along with it. I recommend it to everyone.

    It appears from your post that you have had good luck with your weight loss goals! WOW, that is GREAT! It's all in the desire to feel better. I can say my back doesn't hurt as much and I have less lethargy. Keep up the good work and God bless! Lisa

    SW: 266 6/09'
    CW: 234 7/15/10
    NGW: 225
    FGW: 130