introduce Yourself



  • seejanebird
    seejanebird Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, y'all ! I signed up for Ideal Protein today and start tomorrow. I'm scared! Have to give up Diet Cokes and soooo many other things. Not sure I can do this. I've read that the first week is the worst though, right? Would love to hear some encouragement! Got 50 pounds to lose!

    --Jane in Louisiana
  • Lat1naCurv3s
    Lat1naCurv3s Posts: 10 Member
    Hola!!! I start IP tomorrow. Had my consultation last night. Will be shopping for my veggies and meat tonight. I'm a sugar-holic. Hoping that the shakes and bars will help me through. I love veggies and lean meat too. I hate that I cannot workout for a few weeks. But my IP coach said I can get back to yoga after 2-3 weeks, even do some light walking but no running. Any and all tips and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Would love to make friends too! =)
  • inkedupgurl
    inkedupgurl Posts: 18 Member
    Greetings from New Mexico. I started IP 2/7, I've struggled a bit so far, as I was eating 3500+cal a day and 1000-1200 is difficult. I saw my coach again today and we came up with some new ideas for adding in group choices and eating some of the restricted foods more often and adding beans. I have a goal of 40-50 pounds by the end of August. I;m ok not working out, but will start hot yoga in a month or so..I travel some for my job and am worried about business dinners, food provided at my trainings and hotel food..I will take it one day at a time, I've been thin before and nothing tastes as good as thin fells..I just got out of a relationship and am back on the market and want to represent the happiest and healthiest me...
  • Hello! My name is Lisa and I started the IP diet 02/05/13. I had my yearly physical in the past couple of months and the doctor basically told me I was pre-diabetic at this time. My blood preasure and cholesteral levels have also been a problem in the last 5 yrs. So, I had to make a change.... After a little research, I started the IP diet and in a little over 2 wks I have lost 13 lbs and I haven't really felt strong hunger pains. I have found that you must really follow the protein schedule pretty closely or your IP counselor will get on to you!. If you follow the plan it truly works! You just have to be committed to this diet and making yourself a better "YOU". I'm here if you need support. We all need support. :smile:
  • Hello! My name is Brandy. I am 32 years old, a mom of 2, and a wife. I live in Bismarck, ND where I am an Education Coordinator and technician for a large ophthalmology practice. I am starting Ideal Protein this week and am about to do my consultation and shopping. I hope to get some good advice with some IP alums. Thanks so much, and I look forward to getting to know you all!
  • karkilynn
    karkilynn Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys! I started IP on Monday and so far it's going well although I find myself a bit hungry. My calories are only reaching 700 per day - is this the same with all of you?

  • FatIsNotGood4Me
    FatIsNotGood4Me Posts: 45 Member
    Yes, that's about it
  • chamaileon
    chamaileon Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Kerry and I start the diet with my husband tomorrow. I'm 5'5" and weigh 184 lbs. right now. My goal weight is 135 and I'm excited to make this happen with the help of the IP plan.
  • HI my name is Sharon. I will start the IP diet on Wednesday by Dr.'s orders. I am borderline diabetic and have high blood pressure. I am hoping to lose 25 lbs. and can use all the support I can get.:love:
  • sclonna
    sclonna Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! My name is Lonna and I'm on day 5. Headache is finally gone, but I am still Hungry All The Time. I thought that was supposed to go away? Does this mean I'm not in ketosis? I don't think that could be possible, but could it be?
  • Meemilla
    Meemilla Posts: 46
    I'm Cindy and I have been doing IP for 13 weeks and I love it! I am 9 pounds from my set goal weight. At that point I will decide if I want to lose a little more. But my grown girls don't want me to get a bobble head look (ya know small body and big head) lol

    Add me if you like!
  • sclonna
    sclonna Posts: 4 Member
    Cindy, that is great!!! Such fantastic progress.
  • FatIsNotGood4Me
    FatIsNotGood4Me Posts: 45 Member
    Cindy, that is great!!! Such fantastic progress.
    Hope your headache is gone by now :) and you are enjoying IP , it's a great program.
  • KimATX
    KimATX Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on day 2 of the IP diet! Trying to reach my "fighting weight" before my 45th birthday in September!
  • surfteam1689
    surfteam1689 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Walter. I've been on IP since February 5th (bought the stuff) and started on the 6th. It's been 4 months and 2 days, or 123 days to be exact. I have lost 53 pounds. That's an average of 0.43 pounds per day. I just started Phase 2 on Thursday. Today, I weighed in at 149.6 this morning. I have not weighed this little since I was probably 12 years old! My wife is lovin' me!!!

  • Rumbagirl9
    Rumbagirl9 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I'm on Ideal Protein and have done very well - down 60 lbs in three and a half months! But today I'm feeling SICK OF DIETING! Any suggestions?
  • Rumbagirl9
    Rumbagirl9 Posts: 8 Member
    I started IP the same day as you! I'm down 63.3 lbs which is awesome! But it sure can be tough!
  • liquey107
    liquey107 Posts: 7
    hi everyone! I am Angelique, I started back on the IP program two weeks ago. I actually started in October and got down 55 pounds and even made it through the holidays without any cheats. March I stumbled and for some reason took the longest time to get back on track. I was at my lowest weight in my adult life and for some reason sabatoged myself. I DO THIS ALL THE TIME AND HAVE NO IDEA WHY...or what I am SCARED of! UGH! But I am back on track and survived the past two weekends staying focused on the main goal!

    Baton Rouge, LA
    Geaux Tigers!
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    hi everyone! I am Angelique, I started back on the IP program two weeks ago. I actually started in October and got down 55 pounds and even made it through the holidays without any cheats. March I stumbled and for some reason took the longest time to get back on track. I was at my lowest weight in my adult life and for some reason sabatoged myself. I DO THIS ALL THE TIME AND HAVE NO IDEA WHY...or what I am SCARED of! UGH! But I am back on track and survived the past two weekends staying focused on the main goal!

    Baton Rouge, LA
    Geaux Tigers!

    I did the EXACT same thing! I started Oct 25, lost 55 pounds in 5 months, then stalled. I've been stuck at 50 for the past 3 months. I decided that today is the day i'm recommitted. I want to lost another 50!
    I've sent you a friend request :)
  • cindirookbanman
    cindirookbanman Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, my name is Cindi. This is my second go-round with IP. I love the program, but even though I'm 25 lbs down and have another 25 lbs to go, I can see that I will need more support when I go into maintenance phase later this year.