kenjleigh Member


  • I’d be in! Similar story, lost 40 pounds (200 to 160) about five years ago on MFP but gained back after a promotion (yay!) that meant more desksitting, hours, and stress eating (boo!). I was much more comfortable back then and am excited to get back! I didn’t interact with the community back then either but would like some…
  • @kellijauch I'm asthmatic too and decided to do a color run (with my inhaler and machine on standby, of course) and I had no problems at all. If you're worried about it, the Color Run I did had it so you can run directly through the center of the road and you wouldn't get as powdered. It's cornstarch if you want to test it…
  • Thanks so much for your responses, I feel better now! Sounds like I just need to relax and have fun, haha. Luckily the 5K I entered shouldn't have many walkers (Geist 5K), so that's one less thing to worry about. I'm just go to go and see how it goes, I'm not going for a PR, I just want to be able to run it all and finish.…
  • Hi! I'm a bit new to the Indy area so I haven't cycled (besides stationary) around here much, to be honest the drivers scare me. I'm used to quiet country roads where you can see cars a mile away. But I think I'd like to try this summer around here. What's the Gray Goats ride?
    in cycling Comment by kenjleigh April 2013
  • I had the exact same problem when I started out, I was losing weight and physically feeling better but I was fixated on what I was missing and became grumpy. So I restarted and ate like I used to: same food, same portions. BUT I stuck to my calorie goals by working out at the end of the day for however long it took to get…
  • I did the Color Run last year with a few non-runners. We, and a lot of other people I noticed, ended up only running through the color throwing parts and had a blast. It definitely wasn't full of serious runners. :)
  • I'd keep getting people asking me what pills I took...nope, no pills. Just good old fashion move more, eat less. I'd agree with the people who said the people who say you're too skinny are just jealous or used to you being the heavier weight. I've noticed that now that I've had the weight off for awhile, they've stopped…
  • Hi! I think I'm having the same problem as you...a year-long plateau with strength 2 times/wk and cardio on the other days (running/cycling). I started running last year (never had before) so that kept me busy and not thinking about weightloss so much as inches. Still not much of an appearance difference, but I'm…
  • I've always heard the best thing to do in those cases is a spoonful or two of peanut butter at the end of the day to up your calorie intake, plenty of calories in a spoonful and still good for you.