

  • You need to have your blood pressure checked and also your blood sugar while it is happening. Your change in diet might have affected these.
  • I know how you feel. I just came back from 2 weeks of vacation (I didn't weigh on vacation) and saw that I had gained 2 pounds. I just looked at my before and after pictures of when I started and it made me determined that I do not want to go back to the befores pictures! Just look at where you have came from and where you…
  • I have found that if you are doing something you love you forget about food. So right before bed I do my scrapbooking or painting and it keeps my mind off of food. And I do mfp in the morning because if I start logging my food at night all I do is think about food.
  • I love nuts and my dietician said they are great in moderation. I eat at least 1 ounce a day of almonds or peanuts and I seem to lose more weight when I am eating nuts than not. Also shrimp has a lot of protein and is not as heavy on your stomach as meat. I eat shrimp at least 3-4 times a week.
    in nuts!!!! Comment by granneybec June 2011
  • Welcome, and good luck with the weight loss.
    in newby !! Comment by granneybec June 2011
  • It does help with burning fat instead of muscle. I think I have tried every protein drink out there and they all taste like drinkin metal unless they have a lot of sugar in them. I like Unjury chocolate spendor added to skim milk with 1 tsp of hot chocolate powder and it taste like a great chocolate milk without the metal…
  • I think that is about the sweetest thing you could say about your wife. I hope my husband feels the same way about me.
  • Use black beans to substitute for 1/3 of hamburger meat in all recipes.
  • Welcome, I have not been a member long. But the encouragement is a tremendous motivation to get up every day and do it again.
  • I bought them, tried them, and gave them away. I have a issue with texture and they felt like a worm that had layed out in the sun too long. A lot of work for no flavor.