I'm not new, but starting new

Hello my name Is Kathryn, I actually have been on this web site for awhile, but never took advantage of the community, well I think it's time to say HI now. I haven't been serious about my weight loss in awhile. But today is the day
Welcome any friends



  • granneybec
    granneybec Posts: 10
    Welcome, I have not been a member long. But the encouragement is a tremendous motivation to get up every day and do it again.
  • treni87
    treni87 Posts: 3
    I'm in the same boat! Ive been a member on my smart phone for a while. Today I finally went onto the website. Welcome! Good luck!
  • teampen3
    teampen3 Posts: 10
    ME TOO!! Just started tracking my food and exercise again (after a LONG break). Good luck to you & friends are always welcome!
  • bamalou
    bamalou Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! Trying to get focused and back on track again! :happy: