

  • You didn't mention what your calorie goal is, but if you're still under by that time of day, plan several healthier snack choices to have at 8pm. Rice cakes, some microwave popcorns (try Target's MarkeyPantry brand, 1/2 bag of the butter flavor is 150 calories), etc. No reason to hurt yourself emotionally by thinking you…
  • I drink a protein drink every morning when I get up instead. Try EAS CarbControl Caramel - yummy! 110 calories, 3g carbs, and 17g protein. Good for you!
  • Weight watchers and skinny cow both make really good ice cream treats that aren't too bad for you. ~150 calories, or less!
  • I buy "good" junk food for dessert so I have better choices on hand. For example, I get weight watchers ice cream bars or skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. So when I crave something sweet, I can have it and not ingest something really bad for me. :)
  • Depending on who it is, I either ask for the recipe and input it myself BEFORE dinner so I know a good portion size, or I pick something similar from a restaurant (or the database) to estimate (I hold the belief that most restaurants don't prepare food healthy). Last night, I had a friend's meatloaf and I picked a random…
  • You might not be doing anything wrong. I started 6 weeks ago, and until 1-2 weeks ago, I did not see any real progess on the scale. But now I've dropped 6 pounds. I think sometimes it takes a while to "catch up". Good luck!
  • This happened to me, too, for a year or two after I got my gastric bypass surgery. Now I'm four years out, and I stopped losing hair, so I think it has something to do with the weight loss - I don't think it has anything to do with being malnourished or anything - but especially with my surgery, my intake of nutrients was…
  • I eat frozen "dinners" every day for lunch. The healthy ones (weight watchers, etc.) are usually less than 300 calories a pop and some are really delicious, too! You have to watch for sodium, usually, but it's a small price to pay when I know EXACTLY how much I'm consuming, it comes pre-portioned, and they're pretty…
  • I used to drink two EAS-carb control (sorry, won't help you with the other issue) caramel flavor drinks a day... at 17g protein a pop, that was 34g/day just from drinks... I think 56-60g a day is the goal, so you shouldn't have an issue filling in the rest with food. :)
  • I quit smoking 2.5 years ago with the help of Chantix. Mostly, it helped me because it made me sort of nauseous and the last thing I want to do is smoke when feeling gross like that. And after 12 weeks, well, you just don't need to smoke anymore. I still have some friends that smoke at poker night every week, and it does…
  • Hubby likes the vanilla and strawberry flavors, too.
  • EAS carb control, caramel flavor. I've had at least one/day for 4 years now. 3g carbs, 17g protein, 110 calories.
  • I had gastric 4 years ago. I was 332 going in, got down to 160, and am now 190. I stopped working out 1.5 years ago, and not being so discriminating about what I ate... But I do not want to be heavy again, so I'm using this tool to get back on track. :)