Can't seem to lose any weight!

I have been under my calorie goals (1420) every day and I have also been making my calorie burn goals (2191) as well. I have been using MFP for nearly a month and I have not lost a single pound. What am I doing wrong? I do have a condition called hypothyroidism which i've been told makes it hard to lose weight. I am so frustrated with this.. help me!

I don't have health insurance so I cannot afford to get the treatment for hypothyroidism. My legs and my butt are pretty much solid muscle ( i play soccer and dance competitively)

It's the fat around my mid section that bothers me. I hate having fat roles when I sit. :(


  • alannablue
    alannablue Posts: 13
    You might not be doing anything wrong. I started 6 weeks ago, and until 1-2 weeks ago, I did not see any real progess on the scale. But now I've dropped 6 pounds. I think sometimes it takes a while to "catch up". Good luck!
  • Nharah
    Nharah Posts: 42 Member
    Are you tracking your sodium and drinking all of your water?
  • brookeaarnold
    brookeaarnold Posts: 14 Member
    watch your carb and fat content, keep the carbs down to 130-140grams a day and no more than 40grams of fat a day. Calories made no difference with me but had to watch those things. I have hypothyroidism too, have you made sure your levels are normal? If not, you won't lose any weight.
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Can I make a suggestion that you open up your diary for this post? (You can close it off later!!) I have found that you will get some really good insight which might help you.
  • losing weight is different for everyone, some people find it so easy, but others find it difficult, just keep going at it. youll make it in the end
  • CarmellaT
    CarmellaT Posts: 1
    I had my thyroid out in 92 and have struggled with weight every since. I take synthroid for the thyroid and it is difficult but I have really been concentrating on what I eat now for 9 months. I am down 20 lbs total and have been slow in moving down the scale the last 3 months. The important thing I have found is that concentrating on eating healthy and excercising is more important than watching the scale. You should see a difference in your overall health and you should be toning so clothes should fit better. The scale will catch up with you. Good Luck and just make sure you are choosing wise and healthy calories. Have a great 4th :flowerforyou:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    personal message me alymay with your numbers (height, weight, activity level, current job, any medical conditions, body fat percent if you have it, any measurements you've taken, and any medical conditions) we can go over your numbers and your goals, and look at your daily food log and see what's going on, I'm sure it's just some numbers that need to be tweaked. Most of the people on here that aren't losing like they expect are either setting their goals incorrectly, or plugging in incorrect numbers (either food numbers or exercise numbers) or something similar, very rarely is it an actual physical problem.


  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    How are your clothes fitting you? If you are working out that much, I will bet you have gained muscle. Gaining a pound of muscle and losing a pound of fat will show as no difference on the scale... but in your jeans.

    I really wish people would stop obsessing over the number on the scales and pay more attention to the tape measure.
  • Hypothyroidism is a deficit in you thyroid hormones.. those are the hormones that regulate your metabolic rate and can cause weight gain. if you haven't seen a doctor to get you hormones regulated it can be extremely hard to lose weight. your basically fighting you own body. my suggestion would be to see your health care provider.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I have been under my calorie goals (1420) every day and I have also been making my calorie burn goals (2191) as well. I have been using MFP for nearly a month and I have not lost a single pound. What am I doing wrong? I do have a condition called hypothyroidism which i've been told makes it hard to lose weight. I am so frustrated with this.. help me!

    I don't have a thyroid issue but my mother does. Other than the suggestions everyone else has made, let me also suggest that you consult with your doctor. Maybe the way that you are treating your thyroid condition is affecting your weight loss. Maybe there are some other options.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    How are your clothes fitting you? If you are working out that much, I will bet you have gained muscle. Gaining a pound of muscle and losing a pound of fat will show as no difference on the scale... but in your jeans.

    I really wish people would stop obsessing over the number on the scales and pay more attention to the tape measure.

    While you are correct, people should not obsess over the scales, I would like to point out that you will not lose fat and gain muscle at the same rate ever. Her struggle is likely very directly associated with her condition and she will probably have to work with her doctor to see any significant loss.
  • cnuamy13
    cnuamy13 Posts: 1
    Hey there!! Same goes for me. I have been really tracking my stuff and working out for 3 weeks now. Joined a bootcamp class, lots of strength training. And I GAINED weight after the first week and can't seem to lose any. BUT I do believe it's muscle like my trainer says. I have noticed a huge difference in my legs and arms, etc. It is frustrating because I want the scale to go down, but I figure to just keep with it and eventually I will see the difference I want. Good luck!
  • Nharah
    Nharah Posts: 42 Member
    Hey there! I took a peek at your food diary and noticed that you have quite a few days where you are under your calories by 800-1000. It seems weird, but you HAVE to eat properly in order for your body to be willing to release that fat. Track your sodium as well... Too much sodium makes your body hold onto water.