

  • Welcome from another NCer. I'm in the Triad.
  • I tend to save as many calories for dinner as I can. I don't have any scientific data to support my choice. For me, I want to save the calories for the meals that are part of our entertainment. Cooking at home is together time for my wife and I. Eating out is also part of our entertainment dollars. By giving up the extra…
  • My wife had blood clots and a mini-stroke. They traced it back to this medicine.
  • Yea, the database is great. Even if I can't find exactly what I'm looking for, I can compare similar items and learn from the nutrional info listed for those. I hope to start adding items in "my foods". Things that we prepare at home or like to eat out at non-chain restaurants.
  • My gut reaction.... as a guy that if he'll cheat on his current wife, then what's to stop him from cheating on you later? That would be the thing that would nag at me if he left his wife for me. OTOH... Maybe his marriage is a sham. Maybe it was wrong from the git-go. He's stuck with someone he really doesn't…
  • 1. I'm turning the big Five 0... though I can pass for 40 2. married for over 20 years... she's a keeper (or maybe I'm the keeper) 3. Live in NC - I have an office job which hurts keeping in shape 4. taking health more serious so I'm watching my diet and exercising again 5. I like music and keep up with the local music…
  • Vacations are tough. While I'm pretty good about watching foods/calories at home during a normal week, when I go on vacation, I want to have a good time, which includes good food/wine/beer/booze. I was in rehab when we went to Italy and my dietician told me to take a cooler with fruit and stuff to eat instead of eating at…
    in Vacation!!! Comment by CapnWain May 2011