

  • I don't log my daily chores such as gardening, mowing, housework, etc. I think exercise needs to be a state of mind, as well as an activity. Exercise should be intentional. My friend wrote a really great blog about this, though......
  • Really? Is there some scientific research supporting the cutting of sugar and gluten to benefit arthritis? I'm intrigued.....
  • Another vote for going to a specialty running/walking store. I did this and the analyzed my gait and had me run outdoors. I found out that I severely over-pronate (which is the reason for my shin splints) and they gave me a pair of shoes that are great for me! And the best part is they only cost me about $125. They are…
  • Well, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one afraid of spiders! My best friend jokes that she's going to get me this: I told her it would be a welcome addition in my house. Hahaha. (-: I have been known to trap spiders under a cup or glass and leave it there until my husband gets home…
  • It really depends on the person. Are you at high risk for high cholesterol? I'd say, in general, 2 eggs per day is acceptable.
  • What are you putting in your soup that makes it so high in sodium? If it's the stock that you're using, I'd suggest making your own stock to avoid the sodium issue. Have you been exercising? I see you're going to the sauna, but maybe your metabolism needs that little boost from a good workout to help? Good luck!
  • I usually skip weighing in on my period week. I retain a lot of water but by the next week, I've lost that water weight again. This keeps me from getting discouraged. (-:
  • Wahoo! I'm so proud of you and I'm glad you're here! (-:
  • Is it the back of your calf or is it your shins?
  • You're not alone! I totally think this, too.