leggy pains with C25K

okay. so. when i do c25k, my upper half is freaking dandy. I feel like I could run forever.
BUT. my legs hurt. in my calf area. I stretched, did a 5 minutes warmup, and boom bam.
It's always been like this, and idk wtf to do, cause it makes C25K really freakin hard.
suggestions or related experiences would be excellent<3


  • musicgal8199
    Is it the back of your calf or is it your shins?
  • emmerrs
    emmerrs Posts: 158 Member
    Have you tried different shoes?
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Maybe you are "running" too fast. Try at a slower speed and see what happens :wink:
  • AzBarrelRacer
    Did you go and have a running store evaluate your stance and gait and suggest the proper shoes and inserts if needed? A friend of mine was having a the same trouble and he went to Roadrunner Sports and got that done and has eliminated that problem altogether. My sister and I both had odd aches and pains when we started running a year ago and got the good shoes after the evaluation and those are gone. Hope it helps! Running is such a blast!
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    Maybe you are "running" too fast. Try at a slower speed and see what happens :wink:

    I'm only at a 6. and i run faster than the treadmill is going sometimes hahha.
    And it's not my shins. I've had shin splints before... ewhh.
    haha. it's in my calves in the back.
  • etroupe
    etroupe Posts: 54
    If its your calves you will get use to it..mine still do it when I haven't ran for a couple of day and I've been running for over a year now..if its the front than its your shins and maybe you should slow down some or decrease the number of runs a week.. some times going to fast to soon causes shin splints : )
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    Happens to me too! I just started C25K yesterday. I'm not winded or tired but I have to stop because of my calf pain. I'm only running at 3.5 (pretty slow) so I don't know. I've tried different shoes before, didn't help. Someone told me to change my stride, to lead with the ball of my foot instead of your heels. Considerate on using your quad muscles to kick your leg forward instead of using your calf to push off. Hope that helps! Good luck!
  • charelaine
    charelaine Posts: 712 Member
    I just completed week 2 day 2 today, and my right leg is hurting badly, but it is in my hip and thigh, not my calves. I have typical post workout soreness everywhere else. Any ideas what this is?

    Also,not to sound dumb, but what is a shin splint? How do you get them? Can you prevent them?