shelltree Member


  • Not sure if anyone is still checking in on this topic but you are not alone! I cannot eat red meat or poultry. Fish I'm fine with but any form of meat, even things like thinly sliced ham is a no go. If I do eat it, I get horrid stomach cramps and feel like throwing up but I can't. I tried to get answers about 6-7 years ago…
  • Pass although you have lovely lips :)
  • Hi :) I'm 5"8 and when I started my weight loss battle in 2006 I weighed 101kg. Got down to 73kg then crept back up to 91.8kg over the next few years. Started again at the beginning of this year. Starting weight at the beginning of the year: 91.8kg Current weight: 76.4kg Weight loss to date this year: 15.4kg Weight loss to…
  • Whenever I walk I listen to Led Zeppelin, certainly gets the body moving! :)
  • I don't have my shots on photobucket but here is a link to one of my favourites, if you are interested :)
  • Lovely choice Cathrine :) My favourite lens would have to be my Sigma 10-20. I haven't had it for long but I have been pleasantly surprised and astonished again and again at its sharpness. Admittedly it gets soft around the edges like all wide angles but it still does extremely well. In close second would be my Canon 100mm…
  • I started off with just a simple Powershot then got my first second hand DSLR. I've been using that ever since with a couple of new lenses that I purchased. It was only at the beginning of this year that I finally got my very own, NEW dslr. Unfortunately about a month ago I was hit by a wave taking photos on the coast and…
  • My name is Shelley and I'm 24. I live in Brisbane, Australia and have been interested in photography for 4/5 years. I got more seriously into photography 3 years ago and purchased my first DSLR, a secondhand Canon 400D. I shoot nature photography, mainly seascapes/landscapes/waterscapes and macro. Great to see a…
  • FAIL FAIL FAIL :( I've started being in holiday mode already, it isn't RIGHT! WHAT am I doing to my body and mind!? Dang it, I suck right now :( And I have no one else to blame but myself... Why is bad food so tempting even though I feel 110% better eating well and exercising!? So today I started out with a fruit smoothie…
  • Well, only a small loss this week as I have only exercised 2 days since the last weigh in :embarassed: I blame TTOM, I hate it!!! Next week I want to smash it into the 75kg's, a number I haven't seen for 3 years!!! Glad I still lost something despite TTOM playing havoc with everything and no exercise so woot!
  • Forgot I had to weigh in for second chance category too lol! So weighing it a little later this week but on time next week, I promise ;) Well, I have been really shredding it this week, always happens once I get back into the swing of things! Yay!!!! I am so happy about this result! The lowest I have been at so far was…
  • Arghhhh, I kind of saw this coming :( been sick for weeks and can't seem to shake it so I have been a slacko, I know! Finally got some antibiotics yesterday as I now have a sinus infection and already feeling a little bit better after another day of rest and such. I am as determined as ever but finding it hard not to want…
  • A gain of 900g this week :( Damn sinus infection is getting me down...better luck next week.
  • 2.45kg OR 5.4lbs Measurements = 123.2 :) EDIT: Also, sorry the photo is sideways, I just realised LOL!
  • Fingers crossed for a great loss tomorrow! Might have to squeeze in a workout beforehand :P
  • Very true Cathy, I find myself saying this a lot! Nothing is better and the more you lose and the closer you get to your goals, the more you realise it! :) Well, preliminary weigh in today shows I am down 2.6kg!!!! Here's to a nice healthy day ahead with plenty of water and fruit! And maybe pumpkin cous cous for lunch ;)…
  • Hellooooo butt bashers!!! After a horrible sickness that just didn't seem to want to END, I am back on the wagon! Had an amazing workout tonight, still fit as, woot! And under calories for the first day in about 9 days...eek! Not sure what the scale will hold for Thursday but I'm determined to work my butt off until then…
  • Lovely to meet you all! My name is Shelley and I'm 24 years old. I live in Queensland, Australia and I am full time retail worker/hobby photographer. I first lost weight in 2006, going from 101kg down to 73kg...I got too comfortable and didn't care about my health and soon found myself back up to 91.8kg :( Since then I…
  • Fellow Butt Bashers, head on over to our shiny new very own motivational thread :wink: Let the games begin! All those on the Butt Bashers team, please feel free to add me so we can keep tabs on each other :happy:
  • I wear the same gym clothes a couple of times, sometimes more. The way I figure it, why make more washing for yourself when the clothes are just going to get sweaty and grose anyway LOL. I just make sure I lay them out to air, usually just hanging over the bath tub and then wear them again later :)
  • Okay, here goes... how depressing!!! I was down to 76.3kg on Saturday and now :( P.S I actually put the date it is right now in Australia which is the 8th of September instead of the 7th because that was yesterday and I got confused :P Hope that doesn't matter too much! Let's do this thing!!! (please go away now…
  • Hoorah! Cannot wait to kick my butt into gear! Been a bad few days and will be starting the contest in bed sick but hopefully I can get on top of it and be well again asap!!!
  • I haven't exercised the first day of TTOM for a couple of months as I always get a pretty hefty migraine the first day and just want to sleep. But I do find the lack of energy etc. diminishes once I start exercising again so it might be beneficial to keep up the work outs. Even if it's just something light like walking,…
  • Feel free to add me too! I'm in Australia but would love some friends to keep me motivated! :) good luck with everything!
  • I'm not sure if you have "corn flakes" or something like that. But the cornflakes we have here is pretty low cal, 1 cup = 100 cals so 2 cups of them with skim milk should do the trick :) That or a couple of slices of wholemeal toast with low joule jam and a small apple or other piece of fruit should be within the same cals…
  • I would love to join in this challenge! I'm not skinny yet but working towards it! ;)
  • I'd stick to just plain old walking to be honest. I have a shoulder injury as well and have found it has improved a lot since regularly walking! Doesn't have to be running, brisk walking does the trick :)
  • Hey Jenny! It can be very tough to stick it out when things get stressful and depressing! I'd still try and make time to do the exercise you are wanting to do, if that is going to help. Taking a nice long walk with my music usually does the trick. That or making sure I get to bed really, really early so I get more than…