

  • This is awesome!!!
  • I never have an issue. I wear the "Lacy" thongs from VS, they are one size fits most. My lululemon shorts have those built in knickers, but i don't know if that would be comfortable...
  • I'm new here, but I've been crossfitting for nearly 3 years! Had a healthy baby girl in summer 2012. Crossfitted thru my whole pregnancy. Anyway... FINALLY got my first toes to bar this month. Woo hoo!
  • I've been doing CrossFit religiously, 3x a week since November. I've lost about 8 lbs, and who knows how many inches. It's truly changed my life and my outlook on what true fitness is. I can do things I never thought possible- pullups, pushups, heavy lifts etc. I love the variety, every day is something different.
    in Crossfit Comment by msmeg1984 May 2011