

  • One can never have too much support, I think! Sending friend invite!
  • That was inspiring! Thank you for sharing your story!
  • I really enjoyed the show. She saved her own life. What an inspiration! The trainer was awesome. Mom made me a little crazy with the "on again, off again" support and, I agree, her brother was SO sweet! He made me tear up a little when he wouldn't eat his dessert in front of her because she couldn't have any. I'm looking…
  • I think you look great!!! I am my own worst critic and it sounds like you might be the same way, but take it from me, you're looking fantastic! I have a little over 50 lbs to lose myself and you're an inspiration to me! Keep fighting the good fight!
  • I've had the same question and I've read some responses... and they make sense as I'm reading them... but two hours later, I am back to wondering WHY I am eating my calories back if I want to ultimately create a deficit in order to lose weight (which I haven't been doing, and I am following a very similar routine to…
  • I've had the same question and I've read some responses... and they make sense as I'm reading them... but two hours later, I am back to wondering WHY I am eating my calories back if I want to ultimately create a deficit in order to lose weight (which I haven't been doing, and I am following a very similar routine to…
  • I don't know if this will help. I'm sure you've heard it before, but for me, drinking more water has made a HUGE difference. I had no idea that my body could be sending me signals that I was "hungry" when, in actuality, I was thirsty. I have also increased my fiber intake and instead of eating cereal for breakfast I am…
  • Welcome! I am pretty new here myself, but the support and info I've received is AMAZING!
    in Hello! Comment by JFoster26 May 2011
  • I got married on Aug. 12, 2007 ---- At 8 months pregnant! Needless to say, when we found out I was expecting the invitations had already been sent out and the dress had already been bought (and believe me, it WASN'T a maternity gown). I was devastated, but I took the best care of myself as I could leading up to the day of…
  • I have a very similar routine going and I had the same question. I've been trying to figure that one out myself, so I think I'll just be a 'thread stalker' and find out with you! =)
  • That's awesome! =)
  • Hi! I'm a proud Mommy of 3 girls! I'm pretty new myself and I'd love to join you!
  • OMG! I am right there with you right now! I am working out 5-6 days a week, from anywhere between 45 min to 1 hour 20 min, and NADA on the scale! I'm going out of my mind! I don't have a measuring tape, so I am no sure about inches, but this has been going on for almost 3 weeks! I'd expect SOMETHING by now? lol. I just…