I need motivation and support :(

QUETA2212 Posts: 81 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I am not losing! :( and it is so annoying because I am working hard!


  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    have you had any feedback from friends on your food and exercise diary. i have only been on here for 2 weeks and have learned a lot from my friends.
  • JFoster26
    JFoster26 Posts: 13
    OMG! I am right there with you right now! I am working out 5-6 days a week, from anywhere between 45 min to 1 hour 20 min, and NADA on the scale! I'm going out of my mind! I don't have a measuring tape, so I am no sure about inches, but this has been going on for almost 3 weeks! I'd expect SOMETHING by now? lol.

    I just keep telling myself that I refuse to give up. We're only going to go one way or the other, right? I want the weight to go down, not up, and if I stop... Yikes.

    I'm trying to drink more water and am giving up the night time carb eating that has become so routine... Hopefully we'll see results soon. We're doing this for the right reasons and the other options don't sound very good to me!

    Keep going! We'll get through this!
  • stephierue
    stephierue Posts: 110 Member
    Have you given it enough time? I was working really hard & not losing for awhile but I could see the difference & I felt good. Don't give up just keep pushing through.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Just looking at the past week in your diary, it looks like you are technically under your calorie goal each day, but you have an awful lot of fast food in there - it really does matter what you eat and how it is processed. I think if you try staying away from the fast food and switch to a healthier diet of lean proteins (fish, chicken, broiled, baked, steamed), fresh vegetables and fruits, and healthy whole grains, you would find losing weight easier. Your sodium is probably through the roof, at the very least. Eating out, or bringing it home, too frequently really can stop weight loss dead in its tracks, even if you watch portions. I try to limit it to once a week, and if I do eat out, I'm really careful to get something healthy (or if I indulge, I accept that I'm not going to lose any weight).
  • QUETA2212
    QUETA2212 Posts: 81 Member
    yeah i have decided just to stick it out ill soon see results, i did break out the measuring tape a found that I have lost 9 inches in all since march this year so that perked me up a lot! I dont seem to be doing anything wrong my body must have gotten used to my prev workout and i just changed it last week so hopefully i will see the changes by next week! I did notice that i have been eating out alot more this week so yeah i can accept that I just need to buckle down and eat right along with my exercise
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Congrats on the inches lost so far!!! I lookd at your diary and I noticed you are not tracking protein, doesn't appear you are eating a lot of it...at least the day I looked at . Also, do you do any strength training and drink enough water?? Just some observations :)

    You can do this, just stick with it!
  • Don't let this get your down. Make sure you are noting everything you eat. I count carbs, even sugerfree gum has card (uggg!!!, can you believe that??)

    I once went 4 weeks without losing. While I wasn't losing, and YES I did get VERY frustrated, I was losing inches. Just stick to it!! You can do it.

    I am new to this site, how much have you lost?
  • QUETA2212
    QUETA2212 Posts: 81 Member
    No I never looked at protein! and this week I have been slacking on water so i plan to start drinking enough water tracking protein and making better food choices and adding strength workouts to my week Thanks yall
  • kaylamayers
    kaylamayers Posts: 26 Member
    Honestly, you REALLY need to drink at least 8 cups of water a day. A couple weeks ago, I didn't think anything of it and barely drank any water at all. Then when it came time to weigh myself, I hadn't lost anything that whole week! I was also going to the gym 5 days a week, which made me really angry since I had been working so hard. The next week, I tried to figure out what I was doing differently than before (because I had lost 5 pounds before) and it was drinking water. I started up again and lost 1.5 pounds in 2 days. You will get where you want to be, don't worry! It just takes a lot of hard work to get there.
  • QUETA2212
    QUETA2212 Posts: 81 Member
    okay thanks everyone! i am definitely going to drink my water
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    yeah i have decided just to stick it out ill soon see results, i did break out the measuring tape a found that I have lost 9 inches in all since march this year so that perked me up a lot! I dont seem to be doing anything wrong my body must have gotten used to my prev workout and i just changed it last week so hopefully i will see the changes by next week! I did notice that i have been eating out alot more this week so yeah i can accept that I just need to buckle down and eat right along with my exercise

    9 inches! WOW. WOW! Who needs the scale - that's phenomenal!

    but yeah, I know what you mean. My scale is possessed by an evil demon who just DELIGHTS in moving the numbers in the wrong direction just to see me make faces at it. Phooey.

    We'll get there!
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