
Hi, I am trying to get in shape. As my brother will say, "Round is a shape!" Unfortunately, that is not the shape I am aiming to accomplish. I am going to be giving myfitnesspal.com a try to see how this goes. I have tried multiple different things in the past, but I really hope that I can accomplish this with this site. Wish me luck!


  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    Welcome and Good luck to you,MFp is great for support and helping you stay on track with the food diary,,,,if you need a support and encouragment buddy feel free to add me as a friend,,we are all in this together...Best of luck to you..
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's hard work to face the facts and be accountable to yourself, but you'll find it isn't so bad when you have a bunch of people with the same goals that you do. Good luck!
  • JFoster26
    JFoster26 Posts: 13
    Welcome! I am pretty new here myself, but the support and info I've received is AMAZING!