christasteph Member


  • every day in the morning, no clothes, before I eat. that is truest weight and weighing daily at the same time keeps it more reliable and you can stop gains while they're small, usually only fluctuate a few pounds from week to week (depending on the week) ;0)
  • the human body is an amazing machine and adapts relatively quickly to exercise routines. it is vital to keep the body guessing so it cannot plateau. even throwing in just a few intervals sessions or walking the opposite route, walking backward, skipping, throwing in walking lunges during your walk, walk-jog,…
  • I'm a runner too! Done a handful of half's, a marathon in December, but have long distance triathlons I'm training for now, so the running is going to the back burner (except for the Divas Half Marathon in Oahu April 1, anyone else doing that??! so excited!) I was a competitive swimmer, so the fact that I'm a "runner" now…
  • PS your gains come when you rest and your muscles repair!
  • was soooo sore today after training yesterday (have a half ironman in a few months, just building my cycling) and could barely sit down, went on an easy 4.5 mile jog today limping around but figured it would break up the lactic acid, sure did, I took my time and looked ridic I'm sure, but I can walk fine now. If I were not…
  • Veggies and fruits will be your carbs, too. Lucky you, you're not big into carbs! my guilty pleasure is pasta :) When I was working w a trainer he was big into cutting carbs (limiting) to truly see the results of what I was doing in the gym, and his advice was I could start my day w protein (even some oatmeal to stabilize…
  • I was just doing a high-protein shake replacement diet with unipro, but I am trying to limit my animal-based proteins and going toward plant-based proteins, so I have cut that out for health reasons. I know there is a calculation, (like .8 grams protein per kg body weight or something) but I am not into making more work…
  • I want to try using spaghetti squash as my "angel hair pasta" - have you done it? I know it won't be the same, but many have sworn by it
  • I'm the same way w pasta! I could eat it every night. I found that by buying the really high-end imported pasta from Italy, like real tagliatelle, it tastes so rich you don't need a lot. Also, I will try to roast a lot of brussel sprouts or broccoli or at least have a giant spinach salad that will fill me up so I am not…
  • Okay, that looks delish! But yes, I have to agree, a traditional Greek salad (per my family from the pelopponese) is only cucumber, tomato, red onion, kalamata olives, feta cheese, and some olive oil and maybe balsamic and salt & pepper. But I like that version of a salad too!
  • I am the same way :( I run a lot of races too, have my first marathon this year in fact, but I just enjoy food too much, and while I eat lots of healthy, whole foods and no processed (very limited), I always OVEReat and finish what is in front of me. Plus, I'll have a beer or some wine, and go, ahh, what the heck? I am…
  • sounds like me!:ohwell:
  • 5 pounds. But actually, I fluctuate 5 pounds from morning to evening, no joke!
  • I am a runner and ONLY like running alone! I like to set my own pace and not push myself to fast too soon or go slower than I can. I love running outside and breathing the fresh air, early morning or evening are my favorite, as are trail runs. Just get out there and do it! It's exhilarating and seriously nothing else has…
  • I love it! Blessings to you on your journey of strength!
  • I am sure it goes without saying, but I am going to say it anyway, if you are working out a lot more, then you are going to put on muscle. Muscle weighs substantially more than fat. When I first started working out again pretty hard after having each of mychildren (running and lifting), I always would add weight for at…