When/how often do you weigh yourself?



  • I weigh myself naked in the morning, after I use the bathroom but before I get in the shower. I weigh myself on Mondays and log it, and weigh myself again Thursday just to see if I'm still on track. I used to weigh myself multiple time a day and realized that I got frustrated when my weight fluctuated. I am much more excited about my progress now that I only check twice a week. :)
  • I weigh myself once a week at the gym, because their scale is more accurate than mine.
  • Bodecia
    Bodecia Posts: 2 Member
    I weight myself in the morning before I eat, usually in my underwear, and only once a week.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I do it everyday after I wake up and go potty...Bad habit, but I don't care about others opinions on the subject, it's just my nature.
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    Between 3 times per week to every day. I always weight first thing in the morning....I just hop on the scale before I shower. If I think I had a bad day the day before I wont weigh the next morning. Not a huge deal though, I'm not in a crazy big hurry to see the scale go down, so I just go with the flow and enjoy my better fitting clothes and smaller sizes.
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    I weigh myself every Monday morning right after I get up...
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Once a week, on a Saturday, while wearing my husband's favorite outfit. :wink:
  • christasteph
    christasteph Posts: 16 Member
    every day in the morning, no clothes, before I eat. that is truest weight and weighing daily at the same time keeps it more reliable and you can stop gains while they're small, usually only fluctuate a few pounds from week to week (depending on the week) ;0)
  • I weigh myself every morning naked before dressing and every night naked before showering... cuz wet hair weighs more! ;)

    LOVE THIS!! :D
  • I weigh myself once a week after my workout at the gym on Friday nights. I don't own a scale at home because I get frustrated when I don't see progress......
  • amyrobynne
    amyrobynne Posts: 64 Member
    Sometimes in the morning on my home scale. Every time I go to the gym (5-6 times a week), after exercising and drinking a ton of water, after I pee out some of the water and take a shower, in my underwear, before redressing. And once a week, when I go to the location of the weight loss challenge I finished recently, where the trainer uses the fancy scale that says my % water, lean muscle mass, body fat %, and some other stuff. I eat breakfast at the trainer's place (their fancy smoothie and tea), so I get weighed before eating anything, wearing workout clothes, barefoot. I claim my official weight to be whatever the trainer's scale says since I have a varying amount of extra water in my system at the gym (I usually don't have time to go to the locker room before my classes start and after dropping off my kids at the childcare area). But seeing the numbers at home and at the gym give me an idea of what's going on. I mark both the gym weight and trainer's weight on MFP and skip the home scale's numbers.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    about once a week...in the buff.
  • Harper1984
    Harper1984 Posts: 26 Member
    Once a week - clothes free. I weigh every Wednesday....it helps me to remember because "weigh" and "Wednesday" start with the same letter. "Wednesday Weigh Day". I'm a freak....I know. But it makes me feel better about the fact that if I over indulge on the weekend, I have Monday and Tuesday to try and reverse the damage before Wednesday hits. I try and do it as soon as I wake up, empty stomach, after peeing, and after pumping (I have a 3 month old). If I don't pump before weighing, I can be 4-6 ounces heavier.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    MY roommate recently got on this site and started weighing himself. I have no idea what methodology he is using but he tried to convince me he has lost like ten pounds in ten days. I told him it had to be largely waterweight (the guy is 5'8" 170), bowel content, clothing, or simple inaccuracies in the weighing process, but I don't think he believed me.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Officially, once a week. Unofficially, every day. Sometimes several times a day. I check before and after i pee, before and after i poo, before and after a jog, before and after a shower. Lol. Ever wondered how much poo and pee weighs? Lol. Well, i have. I have an inquiring mind, i cant help it.
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    about 15 times a day each and every day. Afer i drink a cup of water, etc....i am so obsessed. I weight myself with my lightest pjamma, and i do let it ruin my day, it never fails to ruin my day, unless its down a bit then my day goes great. I recognise that this is very bad.
  • nikkibyrdRN
    nikkibyrdRN Posts: 37 Member
    I weigh myself every morning naked before i take a shower.

    and then usually after the shower, before i go to work, when i get home, after i use the restroom and see the scale there, and before bed! LMAO! I can't help it, I'm obsessed! lmao!

    ^Me too!!!
  • I weigh myself every morning naked before i take a shower.

    and then usually after the shower, before i go to work, when i get home, after i use the restroom and see the scale there, and before bed! LMAO! I can't help it, I'm obsessed! lmao!

    I'm the same! If I don't check the scales I slack off. I learnt this the hard way when I gave my scales to my friend so I could keep to weekly weigh-ins. It drove me insane!
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    I used to weigh myself every day, and then I realized I was becoming obsessed with it! Now I only weigh in on Sunday mornings, in my PJ tank top and panties, before eating/drinking anything, and after going to the bathroom! If I work out immediately after waking, I weigh the same way, except after a shower :wink:
  • I weigh myself and track it every morning after bathroom, naked. But Mondays are the only days I log/truly consider. I dont mind seeing it fluctuate, I find it interesting. Sometimes I will weigh myself after eating or before bed just to see whats different.