

  • Hi everyone, Keep posting you measurements if you haven't done so yet, i've started my excel sheet and have it all written down :o) I have to say, i've had a bad start to this. Not only was it my 25th the weekend before last but the weekend just gone was my brother's weekend and there were celebrations all over the…
  • Hi Tonilizzy88, You have 3 levels - you do level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days and then onto level 3 for the last 10 days. The work outs are 20 mins but are actually about 24/26 mins with chat and explanations added in. The way it works out is 3 mins of strengthening (thats the killer for me!), 2 mins of cardio and 1…
  • Oh darn it, I just can't say no to people.... bennight72 and Luckygirlblue78 your in! I'm gonna check the other christmas groups and see how many people they have.....we might have an unfair advantage but oh well.
  • Right the people who are in are as follows - Lottabottle Lozze MaryinBflo Butters1 SarahRoseMirandi Lyadeia Andmiles Award30 Sogallaa Curlyjane Khochst Bookwarm03 Tonilizzy88 Azingale Martazdz Akgary Armycane Jovannyr Lotus-eater Joycecheeks (any spelling mistakes please don't think i'm rude, i'm typing this quickly as i'm…
  • We start now, today, this very moment :o) I've set myself another challenge, to start a excersise/dance class once a week. Here are my stats - Weight - 10.11 bust - 99 Under bust - 84.5 Waist - 88 Stomach (widest part) - 102.5 Bum and hips (widest part) - 106 Left thigh - 61 Right thigh - 62 Left arm - 31 Right arm - 31…
  • Someone has sent this to me and the youtube advert - OMG how funny!!!!!!
  • Wow thanks for all your comments! Reason I asked was i'm pretty sure one of my friends is getting this for my birthday present and I had major doubts about it (i've already got weights thats I use and don't need any more1) but I guess it's too late, I can't really turn around and ask them to take it back :oS. I guess what…
  • P.S - Feel free to add me as a friend! x x x x
  • Hello! So far we have 17 members - everyone who has posted before this comment is in!! :oD If any more people want to join thats great but the other groups have put a cap on 20, so if we get 3 more people who want to join, i'll then have to close the group.....if that can be done! As I put in my last post, i'm totally new…
  • I've started a new group "Christmas Challenge Group 3!", if another twenty people want to join that. Sounds like a great idea, I like getting competitive! :o) Corgifan - Are you tracking people's inches lost or just weight? Cheers x x x x
  • I'm the 23rd person to comment on this but if you decide to not cap at 20 - count me in!! I would love to set a challenge for myself with Christmas in mind. It's so easy to over indulge around that time and this should keep me motivated and on the right track! What would the challenge be? L x
  • I've got L1D7 today to complete, shouldn't be a problem but might have to squeeze it in before I go to bed, not ideal. Today, seeing as it's been a week since I weighed myself, I thought I would get those scales out and do a bit of measuring....i'm EXACTLY the same! I can't seem to work this out, not only because of all…
  • L1D4 complete and I completed my challenge, managed to do the first batch of press ups the proper way! Nearly killed me and made the next move so hard but kept going. Going to try to reach doing both sets full press ups. The hardest move for me are the lunges with bicep curl, I just hate lunges! Even after reading all the…
  • Once I get home from work, i'm going to do my L1D4 - i'm a little bit behind some of you! So far i've found it brilliant. The best work out dvd i've tried by far. I do quite a lot of cardio already and seem to not sweat very much with my usual workouts, pop this dvd on and after the 1st circuit my t-shirt was a different…
  • Hello everyone, I'm completely new to all this but saw this message board and previous ones about a 30day shred , so looked it up on Amazon and on a complete whim i've gone and brought it. I've been completely inspired by what everyone's written! So count me in, even though I will be a few days behind you guys (i'll most…