30 Day Shred - August Challenge



  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    L1D8 done! Not easy after spending most of the day cleaning the house and having Chinese for dinner... Time to chug down some water and go to bed. Lol
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Completed D3L1 I had to take few days break due to my running and shin pains.

    The first Circuit is always so hard!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    L1D7 done :0) did it with 8 pound weights.

    Sooo, what's the move you hate the most of Level 1?
    I'll start, side lunges with front arm raises ugh
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    ^ same. I can never do them fully. And first round of cardio is not my fave either
  • I agree - those are nasty and the arm raises don't seem to be getting any easier!
  • dibboozy
    dibboozy Posts: 17
    L1D4 complete and I completed my challenge, managed to do the first batch of press ups the proper way! Nearly killed me and made the next move so hard but kept going. Going to try to reach doing both sets full press ups.

    The hardest move for me are the lunges with bicep curl, I just hate lunges!

    Even after reading all the other forums which say you really see a difference after a few days, i'm still so surprised how much of a difference I can feel after just 4 days! I'm definitely sweating less and I was able to do a 3.5k run before hand, where as the last 3 days i've just concentrated on the dvd and put cardio on the back burner. The fact I can see an improvement on my fitness just after 4 days is brilliant! x
  • liamsmummy09
    liamsmummy09 Posts: 43 Member
    I've just done L1D6 and sweated more than I have since days 1 & 2! Though that probably has something to do with upping my weights from just over 3lb to 4.5lb. That was definitely tougher but felt worth it.

    My most hated move is also without a doubt the side lunges with arm raises - especially now the weights are a bit heavier! Think I must be trying to kill myself!!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    The "jump rope" of Circuit 1 looks to be easy but boy oh boy its hard to do them! Especially since she has you do them right after jumping jacks. But I can do them during the later part of the video with less struggles...its just how she grouped things in Circuit 1 to really kick butt. And boy does it!
  • LA_proud
    LA_proud Posts: 162 Member
    L1D9 Down....I more day of L1 and it is on to L2.
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Skipped to level 2 today, I found the cardio moves slightly harder because they were new to me but the rest was fine. Hope I pick it up a bit better tomorrow. I stillcan't zip up my bridesmaids dress and the wedding is in 5 weeks - eek!
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    Done L1D3... Still can't do cardio 1 and 3 without a pause... :/

    Now eating porridge with mixed nuts, a teaspoon of peanut butter and a teaspoon of sugar... Probably not THE best post-workout food, but... :)
  • wondering if the 30ds will work for me.... maybe i should give it a try
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    I'd say it's definately worth a try - it's only 28 minutes, shorter than most gym classes... And definately feel-able!
  • Hell yeah girl do ur thing!!...im just staring so I will be with you on it!! Good Luck!!
  • After reading this thread and all of Sophia's post I am really interested in ordering the 30 Day Shred. Hope it is going well Sophia, please keep us posted on how it is going...very motivational reading these posts!

    CW: 141 8/9/11
    GW: 125
    HT: 5'5
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    L1D9 done!! =) im finding it easier as each day pases now, my muscles in my legs are definatley getting stronger!! I dont ache for very long now after the workout!

    Soooo, its the last day on level 1 tomorrow! :) im hopeing to get it done in the afternoon after my lunch as im busy tomorrow night, i start level 2 on thursday, but unfortunatlry this falls on the day i go to Alton Towers and wont be home untill around 10:30pm and will be too tired to do it! Soo thursday is a rest day and i officially start level 2 on friday!

    Well done everyone!! Keep up the great work, your all doing fab!x
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    Did L1D9 tonight and I'm feeling good. Last day of level 1 tomorrow and I'm nervous and excited for level 2. I STILL hate push ups and jumping jacks. I don't suppose those are gone in level 2... Lol
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    You don't have to order the DVD if you have a Target by you. I got mine there for like $9.98
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Level1 day10 done!! Wahooooo thats level 1 completely finished!!! Im having a rest day tomorrow as im out all day and wont be home till 10:30pm, soo im starting level 2 on thursday! Soo i will be a day behind some of you guys!

    Keep up the good work everyone, your doing soo well to come this far!x
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    ^^^ ooopps, i meant starting level 2 on friday! Haha. Getting my days mixed up! =)