karlafales Member


  • There is good science behind low carb diets ... and everyone it entitled to their own process of discovery when it comes to choosing an eating plan. Any plan that you go after and then stop doing will most likely result in gaining weight back as you go back to your old habits. Eating has to become a way of life ... not a…
  • I agree with zig zagging or a "free day" - also, you might change up how you are doing your work outs.....try HIT training a couple days a week. 5 minutes walking or normal pace on eliptical, then 1 1/2 minutes as fast as you can....then 5 minutes, then 2 minutes, continue this for 20-30 minutes. Strength training too, but…
  • look up some articles on calorie shifting or calorie cycling. This has worked well for me. I toggle between 1100- 1300 lbs every few weeks. It makes it so your body doesn't get use to one amount and avoid starvation modes. Some body builders do it daily even http://www.calorie-shifting.net/…
  • you are rigth on schedule at about 1 lb a week....that's wh at is recommended. The point of slow weight loss is that you want to be losing actual weight/FAT not water and such. You can see some additional results in measurements and slimness by adding strength training - no you won't gain weight lifting weights...... You…
  • I am a pear too but a little more bum than thigh and my thighs are strong from softball and training for a bad knee. I found that nothing helped unless I was combining cardio with strength training. Yes, lunges, squats and mountain climbers build muscle, but muscle is leaner and looks nicer. I have muscle but I don't look…
  • Muscle Milk Light after wards - make sure you have carbs in your meal even though carbs at night aren't the best idea.
  • sometimes if you choose another of the entries it provides you in the search you can get closer to what you actually had. For example, cutting up the strawberries might yield a different amount. There might also be an entry for individual strawberries. I also will compare with the container for prepared foods. I can…
  • consider the slow carb method...much healthier
  • what are the calories in this ? Do you use the snack size bags?
  • Special K whole grain crackers and 1 wedge of laughing cow herb cheese - yum... and it takes a while to eat so you feel there is more there than what the calories show....24 crackers and one wedge