coltennis Member


  • It is all about the calories. Burn more than you eat and you loose weight. Working with weights should add muscle which helps step up your metabolism. My fitnesspal does a great job calculating it all for you.
  • That just looses water weight which you gain after a drink of water. Just go for the calorie burn and weight training.
  • I had this start happening a few years ago. Especially when I play tennis and go hard for a ball, but even sometimes at the gym doing crunches on the vertical board. Oh and of course when I sneeze! I'm 52 and had three big babies though! I just keep doing those Kagel exercises and try to remember to wear some protection. I…
  • Great and reassuring reply! Thank you!:smile:
  • Stevia is the only natural sugar substitute. I just use less sugar...16 calories in a teaspoon.
  • My trainer always advised me that strawberries had qualities to relive sore muscles. The BEST thing I ever did for sore muscles and it works lick a MIRACLE is to soak in Arbonne Sea Source bath pulls the lactic acid right out. Once I stopped working out while my trainer was out of town, then about died when she…