Super salty.
Awesome job! Great smile.
I feel you. I've struggled with body image issues my whole life. You physically and mentally have to get out of your own way. You said yourself you are motivated and excited. So strive off of that. Make that your main focus and go from there. Every day just ask yourself if you want to start over again. Hopefully your…
Awesome job!! :) You look great!
You Look Fantastic!! You Should Be So Darn Proud. Great Accomplishment.
You Look Fantastic!! You Should Be So Darn Proud. Great Accomplishment.
Awesome Job!! You Look Great.
Awesome job!!! you look great. :)
Great Job!! Your results are amazing and inspiring!
I love watching people open the gifts i've given them. With that said, i would totally be okay if only the children got gifts. I saw people saying they spend $130 on christmas??? I wish that was the case. By the end of christmas, my husband and i have spent anywhere from 700-1000. Makes me want to throw up but i'm okay…
I have been on both ends as well. The comments don't stop. You have to somehow thicken your skin and brush it off.. I have yet to grow that thick skin. working on it though. Stay strong:)
Great Accomplishment. :)
Awesome Job!! You look great!
family oriented, hardworker:)
Kids Incorporated :)
Awesome job!!! :)
I think the idea is good. but I think it would work better if it was a part of a gym. Where it was set up for people to feel comfortable working out when they otherwise might get stares or something of that immature nature. Kind of like, the woman's only section in some gyms.
Wow! Stunning. You look amazing :) You should be so proud of yourself. Great job.
What works for me most of the time, is stop buying those items that you tend to over indulge in. At least until you've got it under control and buy something healthier to replace those nachos.
You were beautiful from the beginning:) Awesome work. you look awesome!
A few years back.. lots of lights :)
Amazing!!! You look awesome :)
you look great!!! Awesome job:)
Awesome work!!! You should be so proud! You look great. :)
I was on the elliptical and a guy taps me on my shoulder and scared me.. when i turned around he said " you are looking really good" . It actually made me feel good that someone noticed me at the gym lol
That is awesome!!! Keep us updated with your progress. Very inspirational.
bump.. -- need to read later ;)
While using the Arc Trainer Machine, a woman got on the elliptical machine next to me. She then would turn and look at me and give me dirty looks throughout my workout. I do not know her and this was the first time I had ever seen her. People need to concentrate on what they are doing and not be so concerned what everyone…
You look awesome!! Great job.
Amazing!!! Great work. Beautiful!