

  • I've had it severely in both feet for a year. Makes losing weight (at least for me) difficlut. The doctor gave me the shots and it made matters worse! The orthotics were very painful. As a last (!) resort my doctor sent me to the physical therapist. This made a major difference in just a few visits and after a few months…
  • Holy Smoke! That is completely inspirational!
  • I do so much better if I just cut out the snacks and enjoy 3 great well-balanced meals that are between 400-500 calories. It's so much easier than worrying about how to fit in low calorie meals and snacks. I worry less about food and I'm able to focus on the other tasks of the day. Between meals its no calorie drinks like…
  • I feel the same way and get so frustrated. How is your activity level? Exercise can be an appetite suppressant. I've had injuries so haven't been able to exercise much and it's made dieting difficult to say the least.