I know, I just started back at dieting this week. My food logs are not completely filled out, but pretty close for the first part of the day. I forgot to log last night's food so if you look, don't tell me I'm just hungry from not eating! I don't really feel like going back to add stuff in because I know I went over my limit, but I still did sooooo much better than I normally do, so it's a start and I'm not mad and I didn't binge.

Here's my problem...I'm STARVING! I know how many calories I should eat, but I'm just so hungry all of the time! When I eat for stress or boredom, that's one thing...but not eating when I'm actually HUNGRY just makes me think I can't do this and that I won't be able to stick with it. I HATE feeling hungry (haha shows why I am in the obese category).

I have been focusing on high protein foods and healthy fats to help me with the hunger, but it doesn't seem to be working. I also down a lot of water when my tummy is growling to try to help me feel full. I've also tried some fiber rich foods paired with water but I still feel HUNGRY!

Help! Will it always be this bad? Is it just because I'm used to eating over twice the amount of food and my stomach is stretched out or something?

ETA: I'm looking for new and supportive friends on here, so please send a friend request if you're looking for some support too!


  • ksadler2010
    I was hungry at first, but then I started eating less more often. Like I have breakfast, a snack about 9:30-10 ish, lunch at 12:15, snack at 3:30-4 ish and then dinner at like 6ish. Im usually hungry around dinner, but I don't usually feel hungry during the day. If I feel hungry, I eat. You may have to adjust WHAT you're eating also, not just how frequently. Hope this helps...
  • samnhailey
    samnhailey Posts: 4
    I feel the same way and get so frustrated. How is your activity level? Exercise can be an appetite suppressant. I've had injuries so haven't been able to exercise much and it's made dieting difficult to say the least.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i just started back on this about 3 weeks ago. i was SO hungry the first week and half. i was also a binge eater. now i'm on week three and honestly sometimes i find it hard to eat all of my calories. i set my goal at 1350 and usually earn at least 150 in exercise a day. just keep going on and eventually you will realize the difference between hunger/boredom/habit. it takes time, but eventually you get there!:smile:
  • harbs
    harbs Posts: 4
    I have the same problem as you. I've gone to eating dill pickles straight out of the jar! They fill me up and don't have that many calories (1 large pickle has 5-10 calories). I find by the time I eat 3, which is almost 1/4 pound, I'm both satisfied... and just sick of eating pickles! Just something I've come up with and hopefully it helps you!
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    You can do it and don't give up!! Try eating small meals every hour or so... then space them out a little further as time goes on! When I first started I felt like I needed to eat all the time... now I do still get hungry more than I would like but I try to drink some water and eat a slice of turkey... or an apple to get rid of the hunger pains. I know you can do it!! If I can then anyone can... stick with it =)
  • Jettebra
    Jettebra Posts: 2
    Do you like pinaples? They are low on calories and take away the feeling of being hungry!

    Kind regards
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I can't see your diary, but if you aren't logging everything, how do you know you are eating the proper amount of calories? What are you eating in a typical day that you feel hungry? It may help us give you suggestions of things to fix in your diet.
  • mom4nursing
    mom4nursing Posts: 28 Member
    I too felt the way you do. Currently I am eating every 2 hours and it helps a lot. My meals are smaller but I find that I'm never hungry.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    It may take a week or two, but your stomach will shrink, and you will feel satisfied. If you are eatting lean protein that is great. I read in the Dukan diet book, that it takes 30% calories to digest protein, 12% complex carbs, 7% simple carbs. Protein normally makes you feel full longer, and fiber makes you feel full faster. Maybe mixing the two would be the best start of a diet for you.
  • mrsfeuer
    mrsfeuer Posts: 69 Member
    I've found that eating smaller meals and snacking often helps me. I felt really hungry too. Exercise makes me hungrier lol!
  • adrianamezam
    it gets better! i promise! i've only been doing this for about 10 days now, but i have noticed that my body isn't as hungry as it used to be. it takes some getting used to...you know, the not binging (i know what that's like--i had an entire medium pizza the day before i started logging)

    i have also noticed that logging immediately helps with accountability...i have the app on my phone, so it's easy to log right before i start eating, it lets me see what i'm about to put in, and has helped me re-think portions, so i don't go over what i'm allowed for the day.

    if you get really hungry, what i found helps me, is to eat a hand full of almonds. but like i said, just give your body time to adjust to the new amounts that you are feeding it. i know it gets annoying, the hunger and the tummy rumbling, but your stomach will shrink according to your intake, so keep it small! ...i know, easier said than done!

    anyway! keep it up! wishing you much sucess!!

  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    I felt the same way at first. I felt like I just wasn't eating enough. I started incorporating a side salad to my lunch and dinners and it helps a great deal.

    Unfortunately, i can't see your diary :(
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Until a diet becomes a habit for me, i think about food ALL the time, which makes me think I'm hungry. Like everyone else, after a week or two, when my mind figures out that I am going to keep feeding it, just not as many junk foods or that third portion, then the feeling goes away. But when I splurge/binge, it always takes me a couple more days to get back on track again. I try and fill up with bulky foods (oatmeal and PB work for me) when I get that feeling and use a child's spoon to eat it so that I have to eat slower. Usually by the time I'm done the bowl, I'm so tired of eating because it took so dang long, that the hunger has passed ;) Keep going. You will succeed!!!
  • haleyerskine
    haleyerskine Posts: 4 Member
    The first few days always seem to be the worst. I try to eat something every few hours. I find that fruit fills me up. It isn't what I would call low calorie, but it is nutritious and also satisfies my sweet tooth. I eat oatmeal for breakfast, a fruit around 10, light lunch, fruit around 2:30 or so, and a balanced dinner. At night before bed if I start feeling hungry, I drink a glass of skim milk and that seems to fill me up. Good luck!
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Hi Searainbow..

    A couple weeks ago, I had to change my diet because of acid reflux attacks. I literally felt like there were holes in my stomach from the starvation of eating more vegetables and less flour or carb-based foods. However, i found that it helps a great deal if I drink water at the times when I feel hunger pangs coming on (this is between meals).. Over time the hunger subsided. Hope that helps!
  • robin123456
    I've only been on site for 12 days and I'm down about 4 lbs. I thought I'd be hungry on 1200 cal a day, but surprisingly not. It does take ALOT of meal planning to get the "most bang for the calorie buck", but it does work. I prepared lunch today and could not even finish it. I also find I have alot more energy. The only time I feel hunger pangs seems to be about 11:30-midnight, so I eat some fruit or a trail bar for the last 100-150 cal I;ve saved. My brother put me on to this site and I love it. Good luck to you (and me too) :wink: !!
  • regg74
    regg74 Posts: 1
    Hi all.... For those who feel they may be starving or are having cravings.... It may be that you're not eating the right types of food. Not only should be grazing all day, but you should be eating the right foods at the right times of the day for you. It's difficult to say what you're needs are because we're all different as are our needs.

    Here are some things that help me. Take your body weight divide it by two and this is approximately how much water you should be drinking. Example: I weigh 185. 185 divided by 2 equals 92.5. so I drink about 92.5 oz of water. I like the little 16.9 oz water bottles and drink about 5 per day. Use whatever method works for you.

    I also try to ensure I'm eating enough fiber because fiber based foods seem to fill you up. I like apples, bananas and pears but look up fiber foods and pick to your taste.

    Stay focused... You can do it, we can help!!!
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Smaller meals but definetly protien. Almonds (not too many) and all nuts,egg,low fat cheeses,milk,yogurt, meat,beans...I try and incorporate protien into every meal. This will really help with the hunger. I am rarely ever hungry.
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    Friend, I know what you mean! Remember to be kind to yourself. Count everything that you do RIGHT! If you used to eat a whole row of Chips Ahoy, but now you only eat 4-5, that's progress! If you drank no more than 4 glasses of water a week and you're now drink some water everyday...you're adopting healthier habits! Everything you do towards your calorie-counting, more exercise, weight loss goal is a move in the right direction. So, keep tracking what you eat regardless of those green and red calorie bars. It's the daily effort towards the goal that matters most!
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Open up your diary to public so we can see and give advice as to what you could tweek:))

    I was starving at first too but my body got use to it...plus I started eating foods that would pack a punch:)) Also...you may need to increase your calories a bit:)) I did:))