dgrayman Member


  • Greek yogurt has more protein like everyone has said. Just make sure you stir it up to get a good consistency. There are several flavors out there besides plain, there are honey, blueberry, caramel, strawberry to name a few. If you dont want the extra sugar from the ones that have fruit already in them, you can buy the…
  • Not many MFP around me that arent married, and I like just being friends right now. I meet a lot of nice and pretty ladies on here. I just dont want to ruin a good thing. Worst thing is that someone might take the flirting the wrong way and consider you a creeper. I became good friend with one friend and she stopped…
  • Good try, but no cigar. Not a Facebook thread, so didnt go far
  • You are going to have to go to my exercise and create each exercise that you use. Maker sure you put kettlebell in front of each exercise. When you log in the next time it wil be in the most recent exercise. When you log it, it will be weight training as in your cardiovascular title and exercise you will have each seperate…
  • To me a woman who is confident is a person who knows what she wants, knows what she can do and makes a plan to go after it. Female dominance is when a woman is almost to the point of arrogance or cocky, knows what she can do, overrates herself, knows what she wants and goes after it no matter what is in the way. Most men…
  • Not everyone is a know-it-all, that is why they are here. If they knew it all they would be at the Olympia winning championships, being in all types of magazines and modeling on stage and in mags. For us regular people, we dont get to the message board every day, we dont know what has been talked about or how many times.…
  • Dont worry about it. We all have had the same problem. We lose what we want, then routine and the daily drudge gets to you. You are to tired to do anything and you grab something to eat and veg in front of the tv. It happens to all of us, but there is a difference now. You keep the calories counted, log in and talk to us,…
  • Willing and able, just call on me. I am trying for 20, and trying to add muscle at the same time. My goal is a beach body competition next May. So add me to your list.
  • It is the best thing that you got rid of him. He was doing nothing but keeping you down. You will show all of those haters that you are better than they are. When you hit your goal and beyond, have that smoking body and confidence. You will walk right past them and it will be they that have to pick up their jaws from the…
  • Welcome to the party!!! Everyone is invited and we are going to be here for the long run. We support each other through the good and bad. We are there to cheer for you, you are there to cheer us on. That is how friends do it, now become one of the counted and go forth and reach your goals.
  • Start waist 38 inches in May 2011 Goal waist 30-32 inches by May 2012 Starting weight 230 Current weight 225 Goal weight 200 Height 5'9"
  • We are here to support you on this adventure and journey to find yourself. Make sure to take many pictures and send the postcards to all of us. Wishing you the best and I will be there cheering you on. Take care and add me.
    in Aloha Comment by dgrayman June 2011
  • When I was going to school for physical therapist assistant, there were exercises for people that were just getting out of surgery for hip and knee replacements. It was a lot of tightening of muscle groups and some exercises that have limited range of motion. I will see if I still have them in jpeg format, if you want me…
  • The key is to have a cheat day, that is were all diets go wrong. You can be strict all week long, but set aside one meal or a little snack that is within your calories to cheat on. This will make the weekends worth getting to and it lets you cheat, but stay within your calories. Check the calories on the things you like to…
    in Bad weekend Comment by dgrayman May 2011