Struggling .........

eills44 Posts: 65
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone, I am really losing motivation to be honest, I have been off work for 18 weeks with a broken foot (still not mended so have to have another op in 3 weeks ouch), so after not moving at all for about 12 of these weeks, and then very limited thereafter, about 7 weeks ago I started WW. Obviously with no exercise or hardly any movement, I didnt expect massive weight loss, but I was soooo good and was either sts or losing 0.5/1lb, so after 5 weeks I only lost 3lb. After discovering mfp I have started calorie counting (which I have NEVER done in my life) and adjusting my diet accordingly, but after looking through my food diary I am just sticking to the same foods, and im bored, cant seem to think out of the "safe" box and am just sticking to same old xx I am occasionally having a slimfast drink if I cant think what to have, has anyone got a typical weeks menu that they could send me to get some ideas pleeaasee?? I have two kids and a partner who like plain food, when I like spicy, so have to either cook different meals or be bored lol xxx Sorry for the long rant but Im thinking of just packing it all in cos not seeing any difference at all!!! xxx


  • HadraPriestess
    HadraPriestess Posts: 58 Member
    Please! Don't pack it in or you will "pack it on!!!"
    Really. I don't do weight watcher's and haven't for years, but I do know that on their website they have menu ideas that are awesome. You may want to check out (another FREE website) that helps keep you motivated and tracking your progress. They also have a daily menu to give you ideas. The WW mag has a month of menues as on of their features every month. Invest in a subscription, or pick one up at the grocery store!
    You know. It is easy to give yourself permission to NOT take care of yourself...and difficult to give yourself permission TO take care of yourself. Do whatever it takes. If you are ready and processing the changes you'll do it, if not process some more.
    Best to you.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    My fiance made delicious chicken fajitas that you can easily spice up to your preference. He just grilled 4 oz of chicken breast, used whole wheat tortilla, added some green peppers and 1/4 cup of taco seasoned rice. I also thew a little zesty italian dressing on top for a bit more of a kick as nothing else was handy. They were delicious and 550 calories for 2! I could barely finish them they were so filling.
  • nurse_carolyn
    nurse_carolyn Posts: 348
    Hi, don't pack it in. You have lost 3 pounds having a broken foot....that's tremendous !! I also tend to eat the same foods but since being on MFP I get some really good ideas from others. Either read the forum posts or read others food diary's. I noticed that your diary is closed, you should open it for others to read and they can really give you good suggestions.
    As far as the spicy (I'm a spicy girl too) I just use additions of chili sauces, chili peppers or jalopeno peppers on my portions.

    I sent you a friend request, good luck with your journey and I hope your foot gets better soon:)
  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    Thanks guys, sometimes you just need someone to kick you up the backside lol xx Think im just fed up not being able to get out and walk/exercise tbh, and knowing its gunna be at least another couple of months until i can :( I will take ur advice and carry on regardless, at least im not gaining while sat on my backside haha xx
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    don't give up. you can sit in a chair and exercise your upper body with small hand held weights to burn some calories plus it will tone up your arms, back, abs, etc.

    look through any members diaries that are open. you will be able to get ideas from their diaries on what to eat. also if someone has entered something that looks like a recipe, send them an email and ask for it. i'm sure they will send it to you as we are all here for the same reasons and we are all here to support, guide and motivate each other.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Here is my typical menu.

    Breakfast - 1/3 cup of oatmeal, 1/8 cup craisins (I should have a protein here, but I don't)
    Lunch - Typically this is something that I've made on Sunday and frozen in lunch size containers. I've made a black bean and rice bake, chilli, vegetarian chilli, butternut squash ravioli. If I didn't get to make something, I'll make a sandwich, a can of soup (healthy choice campbells); 1/3 cup of minute rice, 1/3 cup of water, 1/3 cup of edamame, 1/3 cup of frozen kernal corn, all thrown in a container. It just needs to be heated up at lunch time.
    Dinner - usually a lean meat (chicken, shrimp, fish), a complex carb (brown rice or sweet potato) and lots of veggies (brocoli, carrots, stir fry mix).

    I also have three snacks a day.

    Snack 1 - cut up veg with hummus
    Snack 2 - some sort of fruit and yogurt or cottage cheese
    Snack 3 - Usually a bowl of kashi go lean cereal and 1% milk
  • poppyloganriley
    poppyloganriley Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with what others have said, I LOVE reading everyone's food diaries. My diary may not be of interest to you, but feel free to take a look. I have a sweet tooth :)
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I was just thinking the same thing: Im getting bored with what Im eating. Maybe we can swap diaries. LOL I like spicy too. Today I ate horribly but plan on getting back on track tomorrow when the holiday weekend is over.

    My typical diary includes lots of fruts and veggies (especially whatever is currently in season), eggs and/or whites, silk milk, low fat cottage cheese mixed with lemon yogart (it tastes like cheesecake), light cheeses like Babel and 2% milk cheese sticks, propel cut in half with water (because, for some reason, Im still having trouble getting motivated to drink plain water) and K20 water. I always liked the Morey's Wild Salmon but I dont think our Costco carries it anymore. My weakness is sea salt pita chips.
  • dgrayman
    dgrayman Posts: 15 Member
    When I was going to school for physical therapist assistant, there were exercises for people that were just getting out of surgery for hip and knee replacements. It was a lot of tightening of muscle groups and some exercises that have limited range of motion. I will see if I still have them in jpeg format, if you want me to send them once I find them drop me a line. It isnt much, but anything is better than nothing.
  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    If you could do that, it would help me tons, as when I exercise, even slightly, it helps me on the diet xx Thank you all again for putting me back on the weight loss train xxx
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