

  • I tore a tendon in my knee two weeks ago, and although it's now healed so I can exercise again, I didn't completely give up exercise whilst it was healing. I did a 1 hour yoga class and modified the more vigorous poses to relief the weight on my knee, and would where possible, walk or cycle at a moderate pace (getting off…
  • Finished week 1! Felt like I was going to die the first few times, but think I'm getting stronger... at one point today I got lost in a dream world and by the time I remembered to check my phone I'd been jogging (albeit slowly) for 2 minutes! Yay! I can't wait until I can get to the stage where I can run for 5 minutes plus!
  • If you aren't a major fan of vegetables the easiest way of getting used to them is to chop them really finely and add to other dishes. For example, finely chop onion, peppers, sweet potato and butternut squash into a tomato based curry for approx. 2 of your 5 a day. Once you start getting used to the texture and the taste…
  • Good luck! I'm 8 days in to the 30 day shred and I'm seeing remarkable changes in my body... I've only lost 4lbs, but more amazingly I've lost a total of 16" off my body (3" off both waist and hips!). Jillian is evil, but I have come to embrace her evilness. When she says you are going to feel like dying just curse at her,…
  • I've tried just losing weight by itself and felt ok about it, but didn't see any major changes in my body. In fact I was unconsciously doing just that between December 2010 and last week, and in total I lost 21lbs without tracking calories. However, from last week I made the conscious decision that I will get back to being…
  • Oh, forgot to mention it's often worth paying a little bit more for joints of meat rather than individual cuts of meat and then working out a meal plan for the week around leftovers. For example in one week you can cook a whole chicken and get three meals out of it, including soup for lunches, and also use a 1kg pack of…
  • I try to hit the shops at around 6pm when fruit and vegetables are being discounted. There's normally nothing wrong with them, but because they have display until dates on them the shops have to get rid of them. Last week I walked out with a full salad, bananas and satsumas for 90p ($1.50). Other thing to do is to have…
  • I really wouldn't worry too much about the sugar and sodium levels too much to begin with, although if you want to do something about it then cut out the low fat options as they are packed with both of these to make up for the lack of fat. I constantly go over my sugar allowance as I eat a lot of fruit, but I don't worry…
  • I'm on day 7 and the sore calf muscles lasted for a couple of days at the most after which they adapted! Good luck!!!
  • I'm still on level 1 (day 6), but as I was bored (or insane) I decided to do level 2 after I had finished level 1 today. I would agree that I certainly sweated more with level 2, and it was tough at parts... the plank work is crazy... but if you have decent upper body strength then you won't suffer too much. Was pleasantly…
  • I've completed six days of the 30DS so far and in combination with sticking to MFPs calorie counter and continuing my standard wii fit, walking and cycling I am seeing major changes in my body. So far I've lost 2" of both my waist and hips. 4" off both my chest and boobs and 1" off both thighs. I've also lost 2lbs... not a…