lose weight first, then exercise?



  • keelekat
    keelekat Posts: 13
    I've tried just losing weight by itself and felt ok about it, but didn't see any major changes in my body. In fact I was unconsciously doing just that between December 2010 and last week, and in total I lost 21lbs without tracking calories.

    However, from last week I made the conscious decision that I will get back to being a size 10-12 by my wedding (3 years away) so I've decided to try to lose weight by exercising along with adopting a low GI diet, and in one week I have seen amazing changes in my body.

    In terms of exercise I am doing the 30 day shred, cycling to work at least three times a week (minimum 40 miles) and playing on the wii fit and going for walks. I've also in the last two days started the couch to 5k programme as I would like to do some running tours of cities when I'm in the USA for my wedding... they just look like fun!

    So, what have I lost in the last week:

    Starting weight: 233lbs Current weight: 229lbs Loss: 4lbs

    And a massive 16" off my overall body!!! Broken down as...

    Starting waist: 39" Current waist: 36" Loss: 3"
    Starting hips: 49" Current hips: 46" Loss: 3"
    Starting thighs: 33" Current thighs: 31" Loss: 2" per thigh
    Starting bust: 47" Current bust: 45" Loss: 2"
    Starting chest: 40" Current chest: 39" Loss: 1"
    Starting knees: 21" Current knees: 20.5" Loss: 0.5" per knee
    Starting calves: 17" Current calves: 17" Loss: 0" per calf
    Starting forearm: 11.5" Current forearm: 11" Loss: 0.5" per forearm
    Starting upperarm: 15" Current upperarm: 14.5" Loss: 0.5" per upperarm

    So.... personally I would recommend getting over that exercise fear and trying it. The difference in your body that can be achieved is amazing!
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    If you decide not to exercise don't expect your body to change much- you will be a smaller version of what you look like now- I regret not working out as much as I do now, right from the very beginning- Start walking you will enjoy how good it feels to get your heart pumping! I was always too embarrassed to join a gym so for the longest I did DVD's or found things for free on the internet. I joined the Y in April and after the initial {almost panic attack the first day when I got there} I haven't looked back- I am amazed at how much further I am willing to push myself when I am there- I never worked out this hard at home. Find something you love and go with it!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Exercise is about a healthy body. Yeah, it's hard at first, but it will get easier. When I started, I weighed 260 and I thought I was going to die in the first five minutes everyday, but eventually you don't think you'll die until 10 minutes in, and then 15, and so on. And if it's boring, you're just not doing the right one. Start small, go for walks. Just move. Swim, ride a bike..anything. You don't have to start off by trying to run a marathon or anything. I started with the EA Sports Active for the Wii. If you have the system, try it. It's easy and engaging enough that you won't quit. Also, attitude is a HUGE part of weight loss. A negative attitude will get you nowhere fast. We've all been there where we just don't want to workout, but you know what? You always feel better after you do. Hope this helps.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    As the layer of fat is disappearing from my mid-section, my abs are starting to show. That would NOT be the case if I hadn't worked on them with endless crunches and planks. I started running a few months ago and my butt is firmer, smaller, and my thighs are rock solid. That would NOT be the case if I was just sitting on my butt.

    When I'm done losing weight, I don't want to look just like I did before I lost it (except smaller), I want to be shapely and have curves in the right places! That is why I work out.

    Oh, and my overall calorie burn for the day is higher if I work out.

    And don't forget the endorphin rush when you have an intense exercise session!!

    Lots of reasons to exercise while you "diet".