Griffonics Member


  • not quite the same, i got mine from losing weight too fast. Bio oil works great. Moisturize and drink lots of water. helped a lot.
  • Maybe log it as carpentry? Even for a general HR reading try counting it like a nurse/doctor would. 30 seconds count x2.
  • Easy way to get rid of the aftertaste is to let it brew in cold water. Put 2 tea bags into a liter and a half (about a half gallon) and let it steep in the fridge overnight. It won't have the bitter tannins occasionally found in green tea. If you can find green tea with brown rice it is really lovely and virtually (as in 5…
  • Just because you can't picture it, doesn't mean it won't happen. I have much the same story as you, both my sisters are much thinner than i am, and it just doesn't seem possible. Try not to think about (i know, hard, but try), and think about the health not the size instead. Can you think about the day you felt the best?…
  • When it comes to latin food, you are unfortunately right its hard to make it really healthy. But it is possible. You have all the basics of a very healthy diet in it, its just a matter of making it work. This should give you hope! Instead of…
  • I do the same things. If you like your food and you eat a balanced diet (though it looks lie you should eat more vegetables and fruit, be careful of your vitamin and mineral intake, and ensure you are getting enough), it doesn't matter if you eat the same things, as long as they meet your nutritional needs, including all…