

  • I don't eat anything before I hit the gym and I'm in there by 5 am. I've been doing it for almost three years now and haven't had any problems with it. I'd say figure out what works best for you. Try it out without eating anything and see how you feel throughout the workout. If you feel fatigued or anything then maybe try…
  • thanks! of course that's my big stubborn area too. I wanted to get some good beedback before I invested in something I won't use.
    in Pilates Comment by poncerjd August 2008
  • I know when my daughter was in band a few years she used to rave about these things. I've seen and heard a lot of good things about them, but I'm not sure. Has anyone met any really awe-inspiring results using the Pilates system?
    in Pilates Comment by poncerjd August 2008
  • Now that's a good suggestion I really hadn't thought about ... I mean I order water with lemon at restaurants, but never thought of doing it at home. What about oranges?
  • Here here, in the end it's on the head of the person drinking to do what works best for them. It's funny that such a long and exhaustive discussion spawned out of such a simple question. All I wanted to know was, for the food and water tracking portion of this site, whether it was "fair" to count the flavored water as…
  • well, it's probably some kind of powdered energy drink to give them that extra boost during workout. I can't even name specific brands, but I've also seen people bring in the pre-mixed Propel fitness water and such .. I think even Crystal Light now makes Fitness Water mixes, so you mix in this sugar free flavoring to your…
  • Yeah, there's always going to be some side effect of everything. What it all comes down to ... is reading labels. I"m diabetic so I'm very aware of artificial sweeteners, including Splenda. It's funny because we talk about all the negative effects of these sweeteners, including the potential link between Splenda and…
  • thanks donna ... I'll have to look into that ... sounds like a nutrional supplement drink, but it might be worth checking out if they use Splenda versus Aspartame
  • yeah, I like the way msarro thinks ... classify it as water, but maybe keep an eye on how much aspartame I'm taking in (although not like I'd be taking in any less drinking diet soda).
  • That's true. Hadn't thought about the Aspartame effect, although I think the pre-made bottles use Splenda instead of Aspartame. Maybe I'll look into that.
  • Thanks. I had been told once that Crystal Light could be considered as water as well, and wanted to make sure I was sticking pretty close to the "rules" of the game. I'm not completely against water, but it's easier for me to get it when I flavor it with those individual Crystal Light packets, or similar. Thanks again.
  • Okay, can someone end the potential mystery for me concerning sugar free drinks like Crystal Light and Sugar Free Koolaid. Does a sixteen ounce bottle count as two 8 oz. servings of water, or not?
  • Good idea about the ground level room ... especially with something like Tae Bo ... all that jumping and kicking. Thanks!
  • True. I do manage a lot of walking in those situations, and pushups and crunches too. But the reason I'm looking at the exercise ball is that I think they tend to focus more of the effort and energy on the abs that plain old crunches. And of course with the stretch bands I can get the other muscles worked too ... whereas…
  • I've tried just about everything I can at home and while away from home on business to remain active. During the work week I manage a full five days every morning in the gym, 1-2 hours of combined strength training and cardio. But on the holidays and during travel, it's a lot harder to keep pace with my usual routine. No…
  • So much better with the buddy system. :smile:
    in New Member Comment by poncerjd July 2008
  • Definitely! I learned that the last time too ... when you really lay it out and start keeping track of what you're eating ... it's suprising how much that cheeseburger really cost you!! Now of course, you have to reward yourself every now and then, otherwise you go insane. I've been there too. But if you go overboard and…
  • Thanks!!
  • Okay, like the majority of everyone on here I've spent over half my life on the diet roller coaster, losing and gaining over and over again. I used the Slim Fast site a few years ago, which isn't even close to being as good as this one from everything I've seen so far. I like the "net calories consumed" way of comparing…