

  • i heard the exact opposite. I have a friend whos a trainer and he always advises to eat directly after you workout, especially within the hour.
  • Im a huge crappie fan. I eat them every summer when I catch them down at my lake house for my family. We usaully deep fry them too but I have also had a much healthier way that was really good. You take the fish and you smother it in mustard or mayonnaise but I'm sure your looking for the healthier way so do the mustard.…
  • All protien is not going to taste the best...But I go with GNC's whey protien. If you can't get down the water try throwing it in your blender with some fruit and juice that always works. Milk also works good but for those days you just want the protien and water you will have to just get it down as quickly as possible. I…
  • I think you should try eating more protien. I go over my limit everyday but I work for a trainer and he ensures me that is the right thing to do. Portien is fast energy and your body is able to burn it quickly. The carbs generally arent used to the next day. Lean protien like turkey, egg whites, and ham will make your…
  • haha Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I hope to make a 4 mile jog today