anewg Member


  • Sounds like it is just rounding, .8 is equal to 8/10s of a pound.
  • Sounds great, thank you!
  • You are so pretty! Congratulations and keep up the fabulous work!:smile:
  • Hi, I took a quick peek at your food diary, and I think you need to try adding more fiber. You're close to the MFP recommendation, but I find that to be kind of low. I average 30-40 grams of fiber per day. Try adding more fruits and veggies and higher fiber whole grains. Not only will they speed up your system, but they…
  • I generally eat a good diet, so I don't take many supplements - just a calcium with D and fish oil. Occasionally some extra C if I'm feeling run down or a multivitamin if my eating isn't up to par.
  • Hi, I love almond butter - on whole wheat crackers/tortillas, apple slices, pretzels, etc. My current favorite brand is Naturally More, which also contains flax seed and wheat germ.
  • Hi, it's possible your shoes are the wrong size. I go a full size up in my work out shoes. I normally wear a 7.5 or 8 in casual/dress shoes, but my current running shoes are a 9. You shouldn't be getting blisters - that's not going to encourage you to walk more. Good luck!
    in Shoe Owwies! Comment by anewg June 2010
  • YUM - thanks for sharing!
  • I know you're looking for a recipe so you can make your own. But I just discovered Mrs. Dash Fiesta Lime seasoning. It has all the great spices in taco seasoning and no salt!
  • Newman's Lighten Up Sesame Ginger has 35 cal for 2 T. It tastes awesome on broccoli slaw and works as a marinade. I usually make my own dressing by just combining balsamic vinegar (I like the pear and raspberry white vinegars by Alessi) and olive or grapeseed oil (I use about two parts vinegar to one part oil), then shake…
  • Wk 3 Day 1 - 98 total (a little less than where I'm supposed to be, but more then I've ever done at one time!)
  • You can do it!!! I took my daughters for ice cream, didn't get any for myself, and then came home and logged 30 min on the treadmill. That hardly seemed fair at the time, but I feel great about it now. You will too!
  • Hi - I'm going to join in (late)! Did my test today with 42, so I will start on Friday in Week 3 Column 2.
  • I too love these books, everything I've made has been great! Crazyjkgirl - check out the South Beach diet cookbooks. Lots of great recipes that take a bit more effort to prepare. Each recipe contains the nutritional info and many are already on MFP!
    in Hungry Girl Comment by anewg May 2010
  • bump