

  • I'm in too! And yes, I fall into Rank 1...LOL. I can do 3..yes, 3!...real pushups. I can do about 15 girlie pushups, though. I'm also gonna try the two hundred situps...I'll let you know how I do.
  • As I said originally, just FYI. I understand there's more than one side to this debate, just like there's more than one side to the science of losing weight. Each person needs to figure out what works for them and then do it. I just put it out there for everyone... Good luck and enjoy what the day brings!
  • Hi Sheila! Welcome to the site!
  • Welcome!
    in Hello! Comment by kimgriff May 2011
  • Oh, and Sara Evans has a song that's perfect for you, called "A Little Bit Stronger." If you're not familiar with it, look it up and listen to it, if you can. Listen to the words. It's SO true!
  • I'm sorry to hear that you're sad. Allow yourself to grieve some; your body and mind will need it. I am like you when I am sad: I don't eat. We're here for you! Kim
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? If your thyroid is low (hypothyroid), you can lose more hair than usual. You can gain weight too. :)
    in Hair Loss Comment by kimgriff May 2011
  • Hey there. I am new here too, having been here for 5 days. I'll be your friend! Kim :smile:
  • Wow...way to go! Whatever you're doing, keep doing it! The measurements show the success, not the weight. Only losing one pound this month could be the result of gaining muscle, which is what you want! I know it seems like it's not working, but it is. Just stick with it and you'll see it happen.
    in NSV Comment by kimgriff May 2011
  • Count me in too! I have at least 50 lbs to lose and can use all the help I can get. I say at least 50 lbs because that's my goal, but if I lose more, it's a bonus! I've just started this journey but am determined to be successful at it.