100 Pushups Club



  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Hey everyone - I will either get my day 1 in tonight when I get off work, or I will post early tomorrow. I am starting with my initial test from when I began this two weeks ago which puts me in column two.

  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    I so so want it!
    So we start with Initial Test today?
    & Week 1 this week?

    I took the initial test and I got 5 real push-ups. So I will start in the 1st section!

    When do you want us to report back on how we did that week?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Ooo! This looks good! I'll check it out properly tomorrow :smile:
  • sglovinlife
    I'm in too! I started this a couple of weeks ago, but then went out of town so I'm starting with Week 2 and will also do Week 2 next week so I'm in line with everyone else. Before starting this program, I had been attempting real pushups (as opposed to girl pushups) every few days or so and could only do 1-2. I've already improved SOO much and now get up to 12 straight. The concept of doing sets with rest time in between each set is really a great idea. I believe this will work and we will be push up experts in a few weeks if we stick to it! :smile:
  • kimgriff
    kimgriff Posts: 14
    I'm in too! And yes, I fall into Rank 1...LOL. I can do 3..yes, 3!...real pushups. I can do about 15 girlie pushups, though.

    I'm also gonna try the two hundred situps...I'll let you know how I do.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    OMG! I just did 11! I had no idea I could do that many... Thank you, Jillian!

    It's 7.15 am here, so I'll start the program tonight, I think. 12+ hours should be enough for recovery, right? Don't want to get too behind you guys!
  • lynnmarsh52
    lynnmarsh52 Posts: 116 Member
    There's a group of us that started this a few weeks ago - it does work - we've all improved so far!!

    For the question of how to all keep up with each other's progress, we've got a facebook group which makes it alot easier.


    Not saying that you all have to join ours as we're in week 4, although you can if you wish, but just a thought - you could start up your own group on facebook!

    Good luck - and don't forget, you can buy the t.shirt when you've completed it! They're great, I can't wait!
  • stargazer_zf
    I'm in I managed 5 real push ups and will start on level one tomorrow
  • bealman
    bealman Posts: 1
    I'm female, and I've managed 15 real (boy) push ups in the inital test, so will look into starting it soon. Good luck to everyone, Bring on the toned arms, core and upper body!!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Did Week 1, Day 1, in the 3rd column, and did what it said I should with a final max. of 11.5 pushups.

    I'm lending my 30DS to a friend so I hope I'll be better at pushups by the time I get it back.:smile:
  • stargazer_zf
    Week 1 Day 1 Column 1 managed just fine today doing real push ups but only managed 4 in the final set. I know I could do more doing girl push ups but then its not so much of a chalenge. I've also done 30 mins on the Wii and I'm now off to do 30DS if I dont collapse
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Week 1, column 1, Day 2 complete.....

    My arms were sore yesterday from the first round, but felt good today:smile:
  • gemwho2
    gemwho2 Posts: 82
    Week1, Day2 (Level1) done :)
    Managed 9 (and a half) full push ups at the end :D
    Looking forward to those toned arms
  • joegray
    joegray Posts: 20 Member
    max ive ever done is 83
    im up for the challenge :)
  • emiskins
    emiskins Posts: 92 Member
    I'm on a half vacation this week and forgot to post on Monday. I did week 1, day 1, on Monday - level 3 but girlie style. I have not done my pushups for today yet, I'll get to those this afternoon. I took a couple of measurments of my upper arms (holding out to side so all the fat hangs down - lovely), waist, and my chest. I am going to try not to measure again until the end of the program in 6 weeks.

    Day 1:
    Arm = 14"
    Chest = 38"
    Waist = 34.5" (not sure if girl style pushups will widdle this down, but we will see!)
    Total reps = 45 + extra 4
    Difficulty scale of 1 to 5, 5 being most difficult = 3
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I have a gentle ache (a bit like a hum, if that makes sense) in my upper arms, back and top abs. I guess that means it's working! I look forward to my next go tomorrow.
  • healthykae
    healthykae Posts: 190 Member
    Oh no. I totally forgot about starting this. Oh well. I'm starting now.
  • healthykae
    healthykae Posts: 190 Member
    I'm calculating girly pushups! I did 5 brag worthy pushups and 12 cute girly ones perfectly before starting to slack so I am going to use that number.
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Week 1 complete. onto week 2! i maxed out at 8-9 pushups, unsure if that last wobbly one counted lol.
  • gemwho2
    gemwho2 Posts: 82
    Week1, Day 3 done, managed 10 at the end!!! OMG, I couldnt do one a coupla weeks ago.
    Have to work on my form though, getting down lower etc