

  • I have been off the computer for a few days but have been keeping up with the workouts. I'm so jazzed today is L1D10. I can't wait to start level 2 tomorrow. I feel bad that I've fallen off the forum but hopefully life has settled enough to allow me a few minutes to get on every day. I was thrilled to read the past few…
  • L1D6 complete! I feel awesome. I actually used my fives for all but the side lunges. This fits so perfectly in my day. Way to go Shredders!
  • Thank you all for the affirmation that I was just being human. I was prayerful that someone else could empathize and help me sort out my bad decision. I didn't think I deprived myself of occasional treats but I had not been faced with a meal like that which resonated with me emotionally and hit all my senses. Thanks SO…
  • I cheated BIG time! I knew I had to mitigate the damage I caused somehow. So I decided to forego the evening's 30 Day Shred and bust out the P90X Kenpo. I finished the entire workout by imagining punching and kicking away heaping plates of my dad's potatoes & onions and dangling chops. Cheaters NEVER win. :embarassed: And…
  • Oh no! I was so looking forward to find the top of my panties soon. I pray that a sensible diet and exercise will get rid of this. Sweat just because of overlapping fat is such a bummer.
  • Ok... I just replied to a very old thread about this subject but you all are my 30DS family for the next 26 days so I will pose to you... I have three kids (17, 9, 7), two which were fairly large. I think that has led to slight stress incontinence during the jumping jacks. No other movement does it to me (at least during…
  • I am having this problem ever so slightly when doing my Jillian 30DS. It is the damn jumping jacks! What is it in that movement that makes me lose control of what I thought was my empty bladder? I know this thread is old but if any of the older posters have helpful updates, please share. Thanks much!
  • This is my first year as a Brownie mom. I so didn't even think of the temptation. Oh the horror!
  • L1D4 done! I don't know if I will do another round today. I feel great! I recommitted myself to watching my food choices and maintaining a regular exercise schedule. Over the past week, the only inches I've lost have been my thighs - 1 inch each. I don't get it. I'm getting on the scale this evening only to keep my records…
  • When you make your week's menu, plan to repurpose leftovers - like whole chicken, turkey burger patties, cooked veggies, etc. Fiber rich foods are more filling for me so maybe keeping brown rice and a whole grain pasta to your meal might cut down on how much you make. Don't focus on brands as much. If you get Sunday paper…
  • I use Circuit Training or Calisthenics (vigorous). They read identical in calorie count I believe.
  • WOO HOO! I just finished my second round of L1D3. My 17 yr-old, 5'11", size 10 wearing daughter did it with me. She barely made it through. How delicious to see her struggling forward and saying, "Mom, I'm can't". It was so satisfying to have my best workout with Jillian while she was there. Hehe... After all of the dumb…
  • On the elbows thing... make sure you aren't hyperextending them on the punches and the backwards row move. Even though I think she may say something like like "pop the arms", you can really hurt yourself. The move isn't based in the elbows it's in the muscle control, rapidity, and range of motion. That's just my thought...…
  • Push ups and side lunges are still rotten for me also :-( L1D3 down for me also. I'm actually kicking my own butt! WOO HOO!
  • This thread is the best! I just finished my second Day 1 Level 1 workout for the day. My doing the circuit this past Fri and Sat opened my eyes to what was to come. I needed to go through the discomfort and so that I could be worked out physically and mentally to start and complete the 30 days consecutively. Today a GREAT…
  • I'm so in! I am restarting this today. I did it last Fri and was dying by mid day Sat. Every hour my quads and shoulders were hurting a bit more. I psyched myself out of doing it yesterday. I'm recommitted and am so excited to have you all to look to for motivation and support. Day 1 Level 1 done Let's get it going!
  • Well... I'm going to claim being a P90X virgin because I only survived the first 3 wks of the program last spring. Honestly, my first night last year... my 16 yr-old found me a heaping pool of sweat and nausea on my family room floor. After her laughing, I told her to just get me a pillow. It wasn't until I did my second…
  • Ground up mushrooms as a third of your turkey burgers and meatloaf is an awesome tip I heard recently. I don't think this is the best time of year to get fresh mushrooms but... if you can, please share!
  • I fixed whole wheat spaghetti and it was such a delight for me and my family. I think the subtle taste allowed us to enjoy all of the veggies and turkey more. If you don't already, you may want to cook your pasta in the sauce for about 10+ minutes instead of pouring sauce or topping on top of it. I feel like another world…
  • I really enjoy the P90X Kenpo workout. It is a blast!
  • I think it's all a matter of how public or private you want your journey to be. You can maintain a sense of community just by posting to the message boards. Really... who are you offending by deleting anyone? I don't quite understand the purpose to friending here, so admittedly I may not be the best person to ask. You…
  • I'm on Level 1 Day 2 of the 30 Day Shred. I totally fooled myself into believing that this would be a cake walk. 30 minutes and day? Who couldn't do that right? Since I did Day 1 yesterday morning before work, I whought I could do the P90X Kenpo in the evening. Each passing hour yesterday, I the pain set in. Whether it was…