30 Day Shred Starting Monday, January 10th, 2011



  • Push ups and side lunges are still rotten for me also :-(

    L1D3 down for me also.

    I'm actually kicking my own butt! WOO HOO!
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Actually managed to finish the whole workout yesterday(Day2) after modifying the jump rope and just jogging in place. Had to put my weights down a couple times on the bend and press but I made it through the whole workout and burned 380 calories!! I thought it would be horrible cause I was so sore but it actually made my muscles feel better! And later on I was even more sore. lol Can't wait for today's workout!

    Just wanted to add that I think my issue on day 1 was that I hadn't had anything to drink combined with too much exertion from the jump rope segment.
    Anyone have soreness in their elbows? Didn't know that was possible. LOL

    I'm glad Day 2 went better for you! It's funny you mention about the elbows... I just got done with Day 3 a few minutes ago and my elbows do hurt a little when I outstretch my arms. My major soreness has been my quads, shoulders, and chest. Ow! It's nice, though, that working out takes the pain away.... at list for a little while. :wink:

    After Day 3, I'm already seeing a litte improvement with endurance.... I didn't think I'd make progress that quickly. I just have to remember how good I feel after the workout so that I don't let any soreness make me skip a day. I'm worried that if I skip a day, I won't do it again....

    Yay us! We're doing it! Good luck everyone!!!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    Level 1 Day 5 DONE

    I had to push myself today. No energy whatsoever. But I did it!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Actually managed to finish the whole workout yesterday(Day2) after modifying the jump rope and just jogging in place. Had to put my weights down a couple times on the bend and press but I made it through the whole workout and burned 380 calories!! I thought it would be horrible cause I was so sore but it actually made my muscles feel better! And later on I was even more sore. lol Can't wait for today's workout!

    Just wanted to add that I think my issue on day 1 was that I hadn't had anything to drink combined with too much exertion from the jump rope segment.
    Anyone have soreness in their elbows? Didn't know that was possible. LOL

    I'm glad Day 2 went better for you! It's funny you mention about the elbows... I just got done with Day 3 a few minutes ago and my elbows do hurt a little when I outstretch my arms. My major soreness has been my quads, shoulders, and chest. Ow! It's nice, though, that working out takes the pain away.... at list for a little while. :wink:

    After Day 3, I'm already seeing a litte improvement with endurance.... I didn't think I'd make progress that quickly. I just have to remember how good I feel after the workout so that I don't let any soreness make me skip a day. I'm worried that if I skip a day, I won't do it again....

    Yay us! We're doing it! Good luck everyone!!!

    Way to go both of you! I feel the same way, sore but in a good way. I make it all the way to the end too because I am so worried about not coming back the next day. Keep up the hard work!!!!
  • L1D3 done! It's great motivation to come over here and post it!
  • yesterday was alot different then day one, I had less stops in between and today feeling alot better I can walk better lol. Today will be my 5th day, and cant wait to see some results.
  • Actually managed to finish the whole workout yesterday(Day2) after modifying the jump rope and just jogging in place. Had to put my weights down a couple times on the bend and press but I made it through the whole workout and burned 380 calories!! I thought it would be horrible cause I was so sore but it actually made my muscles feel better! And later on I was even more sore. lol Can't wait for today's workout!

    Just wanted to add that I think my issue on day 1 was that I hadn't had anything to drink combined with too much exertion from the jump rope segment.
    Anyone have soreness in their elbows? Didn't know that was possible. LOL

    I'm glad Day 2 went better for you! It's funny you mention about the elbows... I just got done with Day 3 a few minutes ago and my elbows do hurt a little when I outstretch my arms. My major soreness has been my quads, shoulders, and chest. Ow! It's nice, though, that working out takes the pain away.... at list for a little while. :wink:

    After Day 3, I'm already seeing a litte improvement with endurance.... I didn't think I'd make progress that quickly. I just have to remember how good I feel after the workout so that I don't let any soreness make me skip a day. I'm worried that if I skip a day, I won't do it again....

    Yay us! We're doing it! Good luck everyone!!!

    On the elbows thing... make sure you aren't hyperextending them on the punches and the backwards row move. Even though I think she may say something like like "pop the arms", you can really hurt yourself. The move isn't based in the elbows it's in the muscle control, rapidity, and range of motion.

    That's just my thought...

    Have a GREAT evening! I'm looking forward to doing another round in a couple of hours.
  • Day 3 down! Still can't do the pushups, but I'm nowhere near as sore as I was.
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Good going to every who checked in today! Day 3, Level 1 is done for me. Did it during baby's morning nap so I'd have the afternoon nap as time to relax (and catch up on here of course). Today the anterior raises (with 5 pounds) were tough! The squat and press, too. Geeez! Everything else is feeling pretty good. Anyone notice they're sleeping better at night now? :happy:
  • Hi, everyone! I started the 30-Day Shred on Monday, but I didn't take my measurements. I can tell a small difference in my endurance, but I hate the jumping jacks! To much keeps jumping when I am done! I am glad I found this forum. I will check in daily - good luck everyone!

  • Anyone have soreness in their elbows? Didn't know that was possible. LOL

    I'm glad Day 2 went better for you! It's funny you mention about the elbows... I just got done with Day 3 a few minutes ago and my elbows do hurt a little when I outstretch my arms. My major soreness has been my quads, shoulders, and chest. Ow! It's nice, though, that working out takes the pain away.... at list for a little while. :wink:

    After Day 3, I'm already seeing a litte improvement with endurance.... I didn't think I'd make progress that quickly. I just have to remember how good I feel after the workout so that I don't let any soreness make me skip a day. I'm worried that if I skip a day, I won't do it again....

    Yay us! We're doing it! Good luck everyone!!!

    On the elbows thing... make sure you aren't hyperextending them on the punches and the backwards row move. Even though I think she may say something like like "pop the arms", you can really hurt yourself. The move isn't based in the elbows it's in the muscle control, rapidity, and range of motion.

    That's just my thought...

    Have a GREAT evening! I'm looking forward to doing another round in a couple of hours.

    I'm glad you said that cause now that I think about it I probably was. That's is one of my favorites on the cardio round! It really gets my HR up and a nice burn in my abs!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Actually managed to finish the whole workout yesterday(Day2) after modifying the jump rope and just jogging in place. Had to put my weights down a couple times on the bend and press but I made it through the whole workout and burned 380 calories!! I thought it would be horrible cause I was so sore but it actually made my muscles feel better! And later on I was even more sore. lol Can't wait for today's workout!

    Just wanted to add that I think my issue on day 1 was that I hadn't had anything to drink combined with too much exertion from the jump rope segment.
    Anyone have soreness in their elbows? Didn't know that was possible. LOL

    I'm glad Day 2 went better for you! It's funny you mention about the elbows... I just got done with Day 3 a few minutes ago and my elbows do hurt a little when I outstretch my arms. My major soreness has been my quads, shoulders, and chest. Ow! It's nice, though, that working out takes the pain away.... at list for a little while. :wink:

    After Day 3, I'm already seeing a litte improvement with endurance.... I didn't think I'd make progress that quickly. I just have to remember how good I feel after the workout so that I don't let any soreness make me skip a day. I'm worried that if I skip a day, I won't do it again....

    Yay us! We're doing it! Good luck everyone!!!

    Way to go both of you! I feel the same way, sore but in a good way. I make it all the way to the end too because I am so worried about not coming back the next day. Keep up the hard work!!!!

    Thanks! You, too!! It'll be such an accomplishment to see this out to the end and notice how much better we feel when we get there. :smile:
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 done. I feel like gumby. :ohwell:

    Does anyone else get really annoyed you have to listen to her opening speech every time you put in the DVD? They won't let you skip or fast forward through it.
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    L2 day 3 completed!!
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    L1D3 completed :) The anterior raises are tough on me too! But i'm sure noticing that I'm getting really good at jumping jacks! lol :)

    Good work everyone!
  • HeatherShrinking- it annoys me SO much! And on my player I can't even skip the previews for the other BL DVDs. So now I put it in and then go get dressed and get my water just so I don't have to listen to it.
  • jojuvanlaanen
    jojuvanlaanen Posts: 29 Member
    Today is D3 for me, and I'm more sore today than after D1! I really thought I'd be feeling better, but I can hardly walk anymore! At least I know these exercises MUST be doing something for me to be this sore, and I'm just gonna keep pushing through it because at some point it has to stop hurting and start feeling good, right? :) Seriously, I'm sore on muscles I didn't even know I had!
  • Bubbas12
    Bubbas12 Posts: 79 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 done. I feel like gumby. :ohwell:

    Does anyone else get really annoyed you have to listen to her opening speech every time you put in the DVD? They won't let you skip or fast forward through it.

    I turn on my dvd player, then get dressed, get my water, put out my mat and anything else I need to do, so by the time I turn on the tv and am ready to go, so is the dvd.

    I did Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga this morning and really had no motivation for 30ds this evening, Now that I've read through here, I think I'll wait for dinner to digest a little and have at it.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I finished L1D3. I was so tired tonight. This was probably my toughest one so far. The second round of pushups hurt and the anterior raises seemed impossible. I did almost everything but man did I feel like me 3 months ago. I sure hope I feel better tomorrow. Boo to tonight but hooray for finishing!

    I don't think I would have even done this dvd if I wasn't posting it here. Thanks everyone for just being there. I know I'm not alone.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    L1D3 complete. I wasn't really in the mood tonight, but I knew you guys were sticking with it and I didn't want to be a quitter! Thanks guys. LG
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