30 Day Shred Starting Monday, January 10th, 2011



  • LilSweetie785
    L1D3 and I still don't like her any better than the first day. I found today to be a little easier than the first two days. I actually went down further on my push-ups than before. That was a good feeling. One of these days I will be able to do "regular" push-ups instead of on my knees. Soreness isn't too bad today. Thank goodness because I was beginning to sound like I was 80 years old when I would stand up from a chair. :laugh:

    LOL Me too!! There were times I would grunt trying to get out of my recliner!! Haha!!
  • luvmy3kidz
    L1D4 done! I don't know if I will do another round today. I feel great!

    I recommitted myself to watching my food choices and maintaining a regular exercise schedule. Over the past week, the only inches I've lost have been my thighs - 1 inch each. I don't get it. I'm getting on the scale this evening only to keep my records consistent. Hopoefully next week will yield a little bit more results.

    I am super jazzed that I am able to do all of the cardio. I've modified the push-ups to 30 seconds full forearm planks. Completely straight body from ankles to top of head is killer for 30 seconds but I NEED to the core work.

    Take care all!
  • nthnswmn
    L1D4 done. My legs were killing me in the workout today.
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Done with L1 Day 4! I'm getting better with the push-ups! :happy: I actually did all of them for the first set and about half of the second set. This is huge for me b/c push-ups have always been hard for me. Definitely noticing an improvement in my endurance already. :smile:

    As for the soreness, I'm feeling better today. My quads and calves are still a little sore but my chest and shoulders feel fine.

    Can't wait to see if there's a change in my measurements. I don't want to look until I've been at it for at least a week, though.

    Keep it up, everyone!!
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    L1D6 DONE!
    Once again, I had to push myself to do it.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    Level 1 day 4.....DONE!!! Middle cardio is still tough for me.....but soreness is not as bad
  • DinahD144
    DinahD144 Posts: 13 Member
    L1D4 done! I did L1D3 twice yesterday because my friends wanted to do it, too (of course after I'd already done it!). Even with 2 rounds of torture yesterday, I had a lot less soreness today. I can't wait to see me on day 30!

    And I've gained weight too. It's discouraging, but I've stuck to my calories, so I know it's not actual weight gain. I'll take it if it means I'm getting buff!!!! :bigsmile:
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    I saw this post and it reinspired me!! Last yr the 30DS inspired me to start my weightloss and it motivated me to venture out into jogging and using Jillian Michaels otheres dvds which are longer in killer as well. Now its been a yr i have kept the weight off but i think i can tone up n lose a little more so im back to start the shred again. Day 1 was yesterday be doing it tonight and continue on w u guys. I need my mojo back its been a few weeks since ive been consistant w working out. Have done a jog here n a workout there n im not liking it. when i started last yr i was determined and i want to feel like that again. its cold outside so jogging has been at a hault. on to day 2 today!! 28 more days to go lol
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    I love this group! I'm maintaining my weight as well :( I weighed myself this morning and havn't moved a pound!! :( Atleast there was no gain, but still. After working out so hard and following my food plan, I should see something. Thank goodness some of you were explaining why it's happening to most of us! :) Yay, not alone and frustrated :)

    Off to do Day 4!
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Lvl 1 Day 4 done :) I've been wearing my HRM and noticed that today my max hr and avg hr was up! I think it was because I was able to get through the first cardio session (jumping jacks, jump rope, jumping jacks, jump rope) without stopping this time :) Huge success for today!

    Way to go everyone who did a Shred workout today! :)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Finished L1D4. Am I the only one who feels weaker every day?! Man, the abs and lunges are getting easier but everything else is super hard! I finished and I'm proud of myself but only 4 days in and I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Tomorrow is Friday and I know I'll do just fine then because it's the weekend!
  • sigma1973
    Just finished Day 4! Is anyone else hating the jumping jacks and side lunges with anterior raises! They are killing me! I do like the butt kicks and punching, though. I'm glad to see that others are hanging in there, though!
  • luvmy3kidz
    Ok... I just replied to a very old thread about this subject but you all are my 30DS family for the next 26 days so I will pose to you... I have three kids (17, 9, 7), two which were fairly large. I think that has led to slight stress incontinence during the jumping jacks. No other movement does it to me (at least during the workout).

    What is is about this move that has what I thought was my already empty bladder losing control? Any thoughts on replacement move?

    I LOVE this workout and am really into it. I've found myself neglecting my water intake just to try to avoid this from occuring.

  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Ok... I just replied to a very old thread about this subject but you all are my 30DS family for the next 26 days so I will pose to you... I have three kids (17, 9, 7), two which were fairly large. I think that has led to slight stress incontinence during the jumping jacks. No other movement does it to me (at least during the workout).

    What is is about this move that has what I thought was my already empty bladder losing control? Any thoughts on replacement move?

    I LOVE this workout and am really into it. I've found myself neglecting my water intake just to try to avoid this from occuring.


    I know friends that are runners who have the same problem, I have a hard time running for the same reason. What they have told me to try to running with a pad (I even had a woman tell me she wears depends when she runs). I haven't had any issues with this workout and honestly haven't been in good enough shape to run for alot of years but I am confident using a pad when working out may make you more comfortable. Hope you find something that works for you.:wink: BTW, you need your water, if you workout early in the day maybe try drinking it after your workout, if you workout at night try trying it in the first half of your day.
  • naturalbeauty47
    Just finished Day 4! Is anyone else hating the jumping jacks and side lunges with anterior raises! They are killing me!

    I AM!! Lol...especially the side lunges with a shoulder raise. But I'm hanging in there! Completed L1D4 today!
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    L1D4 complete. Had the best workout....what who said that???? lol Really....it wasnt nearly as bad today! Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • LeonKee
    Day 4 ...DONE!! I feel very happy and proud...

    Let's keep it up friends... "we are well on our way of being SHREDDED!!" :)
  • jojuvanlaanen
    jojuvanlaanen Posts: 29 Member
    L1d4 done. I can definitely yell my endurance is better. I'm able to do the entire cardiac circuit on the last,round. My muscles are less sore now. I even commented to my husband that the workout almost feels good now! When are you guys switching to level 2??
  • krista42
    Day 4 DONE! This has been the hardest day for me so far. My legs haven't been particularly sore the past few days, but for some reason today they felt like jello.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I did not get a chance to do it yesterday but I did knock it out this morning. Felt good to have "me" time even though my 3 year-old joined in every now & then. He was so proud of himself!

    Couple of questions:
    When are you supposed to move on to L2, or when do *you* plan to?
    Are you supposed to get through all 3 levels during the 30 days?

    I had a couple more but now I forgot them... I'm sure they will come up again.