alicali Member


  • I have Turbo Jam and absolutely love it. I've been doing it for about 1 1/2 months now and have lost inches all over (haven't lost weight though). I actually just bought Insanity, but haven't tried it yet--how have your results been with Insanity??
  • Thanks for the support, everyone!
  • I have a hard time with this, too- I am a bartender and it is so hard not to want a drink at the end of the night after serving them all night! I usually stick to vodka with club soda with a lemon or I drink wine. A small 5 oz. glass of wine has about 100 calories in it and I think most standard vodka soda drinks have…
    in Alcohol Comment by alicali March 2010
  • Thank you :) We all have our goals and I know I can be a little slimmer- I don't want to do anything extreme. I just need to be a little more strict and stick to it a while longer and I'm sure I'll see some results. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • Yes, I'm drinking so much water that I'm going to the bathroom every 30 minutes or so! I know that I shouldn't just go by the scale, in fact I wouldn't even weigh myself for 5 years b/c I get so obsessed with the numbers! I just bought a new scale so i could keep better track of my goals, but it's so discouraging!…
  • I am 5'8" fairly muscular and weigh 148- I know that isn't a bad weight, but I want to be in the best possible shape before I start thinking about having kids so it will be easier to lose the weight (not planning on kids for another couple of years, btw). I have been logging everything on here, however, I am not exactly…