
wettak Posts: 16
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
What are your favorite low-cal adult beverages? I'm trying to still have a few drinks when out, without ruining my calorie count. Up for any and all suggestions! Thanks.


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've gotten used to drinking rum and diet cokes. With a single shot of rum, the drink only has 65 calories! Also, if you're looking for something a bit more exciting, try an Appletini. It has about 150 calories in it. Also, anything mixed with club soda or light fruit juice is decent. Avoid those delicious looking frozen drinks (a frozen margarita can have 700 calorie) and one long island iced tea can have 780!!
  • I stick with red wine ... mostly because I tend to gulp down mixed drinks wayyyy to fast, regardless of how low cal they are. :drinker: Wine encourages sipping, so it lasts longer. :smile:
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I still like my beer... and I drink it in moderation... that's the only alcohol I drink, though. :)
  • rlsluvr
    rlsluvr Posts: 130
    Ditto on the vino.... I always have a glass or 2 on the weekends... Red is my preferece 150 cals for about 5oz.
    and yes with the sipping, you can add gingerale, sprite or sprizter for a "wine cooler" if you don't care for the wine by it's self, you could also add some Zevia all natural Lemon Lime if you don't want the artifical sweetners and cals.... Hope you find something that works for you... good luck!!!
  • caityjean
    caityjean Posts: 40
    Wine, light beer, and the occasional vodka Redbull.

    On a regular basis, I go for the light beer. The new Budlight Golden Wheat is AMAZING. =)
  • alicali
    alicali Posts: 9 Member
    I have a hard time with this, too- I am a bartender and it is so hard not to want a drink at the end of the night after serving them all night! I usually stick to vodka with club soda with a lemon or I drink wine. A small 5 oz. glass of wine has about 100 calories in it and I think most standard vodka soda drinks have about 70 calories per drink. The key is not to have mixers in your drinks that are full of sugar and calories such as regular soda or juice ;)
  • sonnacchio
    sonnacchio Posts: 57 Member
    I love a good vodka tonic. I use diet tonic with lime and at about 70 cal. I can afford to have one whenever I want!
  • I like wine, as well. Another low-cal choice would be a Vodka-Diet Tonic with a twist of lime. Very refreshing and only 65 cals. Or, I also do my own low-cal/low-sodium version of a Bloody Mary...small can of V-8 low sodium, shot of Vodka, and a shot of banana pepper juice. Total cals for that--just under 100! And, very yummy!
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    Well, Absolut vanilla vodka and Crystal light make a very tasty sherbet like drink. Approx. 60 -80 calories. Or for beer the Michelob ultra at 95 calories.
  • wettak
    wettak Posts: 16
    Thanks for all the great suggestions! Has anyone tried the Bud Select 55?
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    I totally agree with alicali, i drink vodka and soda with lime or vodka and tonic with lime. I do everything i can to avoid sugary mixers. I find i end up with a nasty a** hangover if i use regular pop and no hangover with the tonic or soda

    Cheers :drinker: jewel
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i'm allergic to alcohol and don't drink much. but when i do its generally either Raspberry Sour Puss or Raspberry Smirnoff and i mix it with either a diet pop or a raspberry juice.

    1 shot of sour puss w/ diet pop = about 100 cals
    1 shot smirnoff w/ diet pop = about 70 cals
  • haileyco
    haileyco Posts: 68
    Champagne or Prosecco.....90 cal a glass.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    My new obsession is Three Olives cherry vodka and club soda or if they have it diet ginger ale. 80 calories and tastes like Hawaiian Punch!
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