2 weeks, no luck

alicali Posts: 9 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I feel like I've been on a diet since I was 10 years old and I've been working out like crazy for most of my adult life. Two weeks ago I decided to get really serious and push myself harder than ever before so I've been really watching what I eat more closely and I've been using the Turbo Jam videos in addition to other cardio and weight lifting. I haven't lost one single pound :( A friend of mine has been working out with me and has lost 6 pounds! I'm really happy for her but this is extremely discouraging for me. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can jumpstart my weight loss? I don't have a lot to lose and I don't want to take any diet pills but I was thinking of purchasing Beachbody's Shakeology....any thoughts on this?


  • How many calories are you eating per day?
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    you need to eat at LEAST 1200 calories a day. if you eat less than that, your body goes into starvation mode and hangs onto every little calorie for dear life as it thinks it is starving to death.

    If you exercise, you need to eat those exercise calories as well.

    I see from your ticker that you have 13 pounds to lose, which means you are very close to your goal weight, which is the hardest pounds to lose...
    or perhaps you have set your goal too low and your body knows better?

    how tall are you and what is your goal weight set at?
  • What exactly are you eating a day? I have had the stubborn 10 lbs on me for life. I just got serious a week ago and lost a few pounds already. I am eating only (ONLY) Chicken/broccoli/lettuce wth fat free zesty/protein shake/ and I add mushrooms in the egg whites at times. That is it. I am sticking to it and its working! I hope this really helps you. Skip the yogurt crap, the breads, pasta,.. hit this hard and you will see change. I also do 1hr cardio a day.
  • alicali
    alicali Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'8" fairly muscular and weigh 148- I know that isn't a bad weight, but I want to be in the best possible shape before I start thinking about having kids so it will be easier to lose the weight (not planning on kids for another couple of years, btw).
    I have been logging everything on here, however, I am not exactly sure how many calories I'm burning with Turbo Jam so I've been guessing- the Turbo Jam workouts are about 40 minutes each and pretty intense (I'm dripping with sweat after them).
    My caloric intake is supposed to be around 1360, but since I'm working out about an hour and 20 minutes/day I've been adding more calories. I usually eat eggs, grapefruit, spinach and mixed greens with olive oil and vinegar, grilled chicken, almonds, oranges, apples, cottage cheese with tomatoes, fat-free yogurt a couple of times/ week, and a protein smoothie that I found in the book the Abs Diet for Women. Basically I stick to a low-carb diet but I will not cut out fruits and veggies (I think anything that comes natural from the earth should not be cut out of a diet).

    I appreciate the responses! I think perhaps I'm not burning as many calories as I think or maybe I'm eating more than I think- just discouraged is all and trying to be patient!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    are you drinking your water?
  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    I know how you feel!! I don't NEED to lose those last five pounds but I WANT to. And it comes off VERY slowly!!! So frustrating. I know it's discouraging. Sorry no advice cuz i'm having the same problem. Hang in there!
  • alicali
    alicali Posts: 9 Member
    Yes, I'm drinking so much water that I'm going to the bathroom every 30 minutes or so! I know that I shouldn't just go by the scale, in fact I wouldn't even weigh myself for 5 years b/c I get so obsessed with the numbers! I just bought a new scale so i could keep better track of my goals, but it's so discouraging! Especially since my friend who works out with me has lost 6 pounds and I've lost 0! She and I have very different bodies and she's only just started working out (as I mentioned before, I've been working out for over 10 years) so I know I shouldn't compare myself- it just doesn't seem fair! I just wish I'd lose a little so I know my hard work is paying off!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    if you are drinking a lot more than say 12 8 ounce glasses you may want to cut back. About 5 years ago I was drinking about 20 and my weight loss slowed down at the time. I cut back to 10 8 ounce glasses and it helped.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    5'8', fairly muscular and 148?

    It sounds like you are already AT your goal weight! Muscle weighs more than fat, all your intense workouts make you look better but don't move the scale...

    Please don't starve yourself, overexercise, or buy into fad diet shakes...

    all you have to do is be healthy, you look wonderful already!
  • alicali
    alicali Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you :) We all have our goals and I know I can be a little slimmer- I don't want to do anything extreme. I just need to be a little more strict and stick to it a while longer and I'm sure I'll see some results. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • maybe is miscalucation. just hope you dont go over
    you could just try doing this.
    eat about 1300 calories according to your diet. and just exercise the way you are right now.
    just add maybe 150-250 everytime your are doing cardio jam thing you're doing. for a good 40 mins.
    i think maybe that'll help.

    i hope that helps. dont take pills. their gonna put chemicals and you dont need toxic in your body.
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