pfenixa Member


  • I'm just about to start month 2, and I have to say I'm kinda glad to read of some other people that aren't having crazy weight/measurement changes. I've only lost about half an inch (off my waist) and the scale hasn't moved (but it's really the first one that bugs me, I know the scale is evil, lol). I definitely did better…
  • I'm really trying to stay motivated at this point. I'm about to start month 2 tomorrow and I've had no weight loss or measurement changes except for losing a half inch off my waist during week two. I've been doing it with my husband and that's about the only reason I've kept going. :( I just got a new HRM yesterday in…
  • Last year I relied heavily on doing the 30DS, but I used what I've read about fitness combined with how my body felt. I never did it everyday because I wanted at least a day a week for my body to relax and maybe one day to swap up and do some other exercise. When I started I only did the exercises, but as I got…
  • I, too, have been very sluggish over the last two weeks but like someone else mentioned, I attribute it to the changing of seasons. I've been trying to go to bed earlier because I was dragging myself out of bed in the morning, but I've realized it's because my body/mind rejects waking before the sun is up. That initial…
  • Wow, I hadn't heard of these "miracle treatments." I can almost see targeting those in the weight loss community since it is largely a vanity issue, but to target those with serious illnesses? I don't mean to downgrade anyone's trouble with obesity and what not, but I find weight to be in a different category than autism…
  • I think it's based on the idea that women tend to keep fat stores in the hips/butt/thigh area while men are more prone to keeping it in the midsection. That means that women don't necessarily lose it first, but they'll lose it before the fat in the lower area. The belly is typically the trouble area for men. And that's…
  • I was having alot of knee pain not long ago and I realized it was all from bad form. Almost 100% of my exercise until recently was jogging/walking around my block for a few miles and my knee pain was getting progressively worse. I decided it must have been my ancient shoes, so while I was looking for running shoe stores I…
  • I had this exact question yesterday and this is the same thing I found. It's kinda like breakfast or snacking throughout the day: you don't have to but for alot of people that don't when it comes time to eat they are more prone to making bad food choices or eating too much to compensate. Someone that decides to have a late…
  • No, I've seen some yoga poses and I know I'd have to start with easy beginner stuff! I know I don't necessarily need a dvd, but I like the idea because I can do it at home and learn from it as I go along. Plus it's a chance to learn more about yoga, pilates, etc, which I'm definitely interested in. If I can put it on my tv…
  • I do a bit of combination and it kinda depends on each day. For example, last night I made a casserole and planned to take leftovers with me for lunch at work today, so I also went ahead and did my breakfast for today so that I could better balance my carbs for the day. I didn't put in any of my snacks and plan to do that…
  • I keep it pretty simple. I've been taking the Kirkland Premium Performance Multivitamin from Coscto for a couple months now and just recently added Origin Fish Oil + Vitamin D. I wanted to add fish oil and VD and was debating taking calcium, but my multivitamin has some calcium and I don't want to be popping 5 pills a day.…
  • Ah, I don't know anything about pilates either, so I'll have to look into that. I plan on doing Yoga Meltdown, though I have heard it isn't really "yoga", more like she incorporated yoga moves. I hadn't even noticed there was a BL yoga dvd too.
  • Agreed. I use teabags and since I know just how much water is there I count it toward my daily total. Stuff like sodas or milk I don't count since who knows just how much of that is actually water.
  • My protein breakfast alternative to eggs is 1/2 cup greek yogurt with a tablespoon of sugar free maple syrup and a 1/6 cup unsalted almonds. It seems like such a tiny amount but it's actually quite filling (to me at least) and it's only 174 calories with 15 grams of protein. Barely any sodium or sugar and the fat is all…
  • Hey! Before and after pics are supposed to be of the same person!! j/k! :laugh: That's fantastic!
  • I'm on the side of doing them seperately, beginning with distance, because of my personal experience. I started out last March walking then slowly built up jogging. At first I could maybe jog for 1/4 mile before I was toast, but I just kept increasing my distance until I could run at least a whole mile. After doing that…
  • 1200 calories may not be right for you. MFP kinda just sticks everyone with the same number, except for maybe significantly larger people. Last week I bumped up to 1300 daily and only worked out 2 days for the week (compared to usually going 6 days a week) and I lost 2 lbs when lately I've only been losing 1 lb every two…
  • I guess I was held back by laziness. I started gaining weight when I went to college and I was a typical lazy college kid so I never did anything about it. Even after I wasn't taking classes and was working full time I still held the same mentality that off time was for having fun. Then I moved to VA and for about a year…
  • I finally got around to making this tonight and I definitely enjoyed it! I think next time I'll add a tiny bit more pb to get a little more sweetness and heat up the carrots to soften them a bit. Going to try this one again. :smile:
  • Oo, another formula. Well this is interesting. I used the earlier idea of 14-16 calories per pound with a deficit of 30%. 15 x 125 = 1875 1875 x .3 = 562.5 1875 - 562.5 = 1312.5 Not that much more than I'm eating now. Then for body fat percentage I did a test a couple weeks ago that put me at 23.6% (we'll be safe and say…
  • Like I said, I am doing some strength training and it's because I understand the idea of preserving muscle mass during fat loss. What I'm not doing is heavy or intense strength training with a focus on gaining muscle. It's not that once I reach my goal I want to add strength training entirely, but that I would shift my…
  • I see where our disconnect is and I think it's my fault, lol. While I do partake in strength training I'm not doing anything major. Just like you said the way you would do it I'm working on weight loss through diet, light weights, and cardio. I do want to increase my strength but that's something I want to focus more on…
  • When you say eat 1200 a day and exercise, you mean that they're sticking strictly to 1200 and not eating exercise calories? If that's the case, the last couple of weeks I've been eating 1400-1500 calories and exercising and...stopped losing weight. I don't wonder if it's based on how much I'm eating; I've figured it's more…
  • I don't really have any aversions anymore. I used to stay away from snacking on cheese because when I was little I remember snacking on monterey jack and then I got this weird swelled area on my gums. I still have no idea if they were related but I'm past it now, lol. I also used to gag anytime I tried to eat strawberries.…
  • Everybody hit all my suggestions already, lol. String cheese, eggs (hard boiled is super easy as a snack since you can make a bunch in advance), nuts (fats, but good fats. I love me some sunflower seeds and almonds!), and jerky. The jerky you gotta be careful with because the average stuff has tons of sodium but I've been…
  • I've really enjoyed reading this thread for the last few days, though I don't guess I have alot to contribute. I do feel that it does/will apply to me as I'm so close to my goal weight and I'm starting to focus more on how I look than the number. The thing is the number is still important to me. I am more focused on…
  • If I remember correctly I'm on day 22 of doing 30DS. I did level 1 for 6 days and level 2 for 12 days (cuz level 2 kicks butt, omg!) and I've been working on finishing up. I can't say whether I've lost alot of weight from doing 30DS. I usually only do it 2-3 times a week and the other days I just go running, plus I usually…
  • A big part of the goal weight I'm aiming for is because it's around what I weighed in high school. Granted, for me it's easier because I was a great weight at that age and it was only about 5 years ago. Back then I thought I was fat because I have hips and all the other girls wore 3-4 pants sizes smaller than me. I…
  • Well, now I'm a runner. TBH I barely used them until a few months ago when I joined here and started exercising regularly. Before that I used them for the very few & far between exercise periods I had and wore them to work sometimes. Yeah, I was worried that Foot Locker or Finish Line (I just noticed the acronyms for those…
  • It would be frustrating because if it's only a .5 lb loss in 5 weeks it means that you're eating too much for a loss. It says it just like you put in the Topic line: If every day were like today. If you have a crappy day of eating, doing that for 5 weeks would be a crappy amount of weight loss. The only way to see if it…