

  • hello :) im sorry to hear of your pain and discomfort and would like to welcome you to the site :) My suggestion for you is walk walk walk...if you are able to without pain, it is a low impact excercise that works very well. Also, i have found stationary bikes work well, the ones you sit into feel better to me than the…
  • dont look at your calories by the day, look at them by the week..everyone will have a day once in a while where they go over then may go under...if you are way under more than one or two days a week, try and drink some calories. chose a healthy drink, juice, milk or even a protien shake to keep your system in check. The…
  • That is great :) i cant wait til i get that near...i have a LONGGG way to go...just dont get hung up on a number..you must feel fabulous being just ounces from your goal :)...great Job...
  • hi :)...your body can go into starvation mode after a few days of low calorie eating. The most important part is to get fluids in to avoid dehydration which can lead to many other issues. If you are not hungry, try drinking some of your calories. Juices can contain quite a few calories and they are healthy for you. Also,…
  • Hello :)...a trick i learned for arms and thighs is measure 6 inches down from top of shoulder, and 6 inches up from top of knee. belly button, and hips shouldnt change altitude (heehee) so that is pretty safe to measure. Calfs, you can also measure from the knee cap down, most likely will be around 6 inches to widest part…
  • hello :)...i just got back from the biggest loser resort at fitness ridge, and we had a whole lecture on this exact subject. The opinion of the professional dietician there is...real is better. Sugar or stevia ( which is all they serve there for a sweetener.) is better for your body to process. Stevia is made from plants…
  • I have been using this site for about 6 weeks and have found it such a help to me, i even lost weight over the Easter Holiday. :) good luck to everyone on their journey here.
    in New Comment by hwhittle April 2010