

  • More protein and fiber will help. Try sticking to whole grain when you have carbs and have lots of fibrous veggies as sides to your meals. Protein helps because it has less of an effect on your blood sugar (so you don't get as much of a crash and then a response from your body that you need to eat) - try to spend more…
  • If you are ignoring fruits and veggies, you could be missing out on a large amount of calories (especially from fruits). The reason it works in weight watchers is that they balance it by making non fruits and veggies worth more points. Things like lettuce, cucumber, etc you could probably get away with not tracking but…
  • Many people also use carbohydrate cycling or targeted carbohydrate intake to allow for effective work out and muscle recovery without keeping sugars in your blood stream for any longer than needed. Google search 'targeted ketogenic diet' and 'cyclic ketogenic diet' for more information. Many people find that 25-50g of…
  • The Atkins approach is low carb high fat, not low carb high calorie. The premise is that you avoid large changes in blood sugar that make you feel like you're hungry and that you can eat fewer overall calories of high fat/very satisfying food than you can of high carb/low fat food and still be full. The induction phase of…
  • Unfortunately, 1200 is the right number. If you can't manage that eating the way you are eating, you might want to consider a ketogenic diet (or at least lowering the amount of carbs in your system). This will help even out your blood sugar and reduce the surges of leptin that your body releases once you burn through a…
  • For $30 a week this is what I'd buy which you can turn into healthy meals: -oatmeal -eggs -milk -store brand cheese -frozen microwavable veggies (seriously just as healthy, don't need to worry about them going bad) -whatever meat is on sale (freeze what you won't use the next 2 days) -rice -chicken bullion -onions…
  • No. The reason they are diet is because your body can't metabolize them. This means that there is no way for your body to convert these artificial sugars into sugars that your body can use (i.e. glucose) and subsequently, you will not have a rise in your blood sugar.
  • Sugar is sugar. Apples contain about 50% of their net sugar as fructose (same as found in corn) and dextrose and sucrose are going to be ubiquitous throughout all fruit. Fruit needs to be tracked just like anything else...weigh it out and look up the nutrition information.
  • I actually like the taste of Clif Builder's Bars. Not the cheapest option, but they go fantastic with black coffee and you can get them in for less at or costco.
  • Try those coffee mate creamer singles - they are about 30 calories each and add plenty of sweetness/flavor to a cup of coffee. Plus you don't need to refrigerate them, so you can add them anywhere.
  • From wikipedia: One consideration to take into account when investigating the relationship between caffeine and diuresis is the amount of caffeine ingested. However, the British Dietetic Association has suggested that tea can be used to supplement normal water consumption, and that "the style of tea and coffee and the…
  • What I'm trying to get at is that table salt is sodium chloride. Many other types preservatives are based around potassium instead of sodium. You can also get potassium from a lot of other places. Mostly commenting on the fact that when you crave salt, don't entirely stick to adding table salt (or sea salt or blah blah) to…
  • Broke grad student here too. Frozen veggies are a great cheap way to incorporate them into a budget diet - they maintain all of their nutrition and you don't need to worry about them going bad either. Frozen veggies can also work as ingredients for making stir-fry and other cheap tastey dishes. Salads for lunch and such…
  • This is correct. Your body is very good about regulating internal salt concentrations when properly hydrated (and with functioning kidneys, but that is a different story). The salt craving is likely because the little one growing is drawing a fair bit of it from your body and you need the salt to replace it. Pickle it up.…
  • If you aren't losing weight, make sure you're tracking all of the food accurately. Really what it comes down to is a calorie deficit - approximately 3500 calories constitutes 1 pound of fat. Fiber and vegetables are just good ways to eat less calories while still staying full. Anecdotally, I find that drinking a lot of…
  • Hi there, Since you're sensitive to taking vitamins in pill form, it would be a good idea to try and get the majority of them from the food you eat. If you have a lot of fruits, veggies, and lean meat in your regular eating schedule you shouldn't have to worry about supplementing it so much. As for the calcium, have you…
  • A calorie is a pretty standard measurement, thermodynamically speaking. Could you clarify in what way a calorie of broccoli and a calorie of chocolate would differ besides on other nutrients one takes with it?
  • Narwahls and bacon.