How much fruit is bad?

Annadel Posts: 146 Member
I make a smoothie with 4/5 fruits ( like some berries, banana, mango and pineapple). We get 2 servings out of it which my husband and I share. Then I usually eat an apple or some other frut after lunch and some more after dinner.

I am not losing any weight and wondering if am exceeding my sugar intake. My husband argues that this is all ' good sugar' so we should not change smoothie recipe or anything else .



  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Your husband is right. Unless you have some metabolic issue, the fruits are likely not the culprit.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Sugar is sugar. Body doesn't tell the difference. HOWEVER, fruits give you alot of good stats that are amazing for your body. They're generally easier to digest compared to other food, they make you feel full, they take care of that sweet tooth and they're typically low in calories.

    And this is what I tell anyone who argues fruit sugars are bad: Show me a man that got fat by eating too much fruit!

    In my humble opinion you're fine with eating tons of fruits :)

    Good luck
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    Yes I agree with him as well. There was this opposition to the Weight Watchers practice of no points or whatever for fruit and veggies (and some diets get tweaky with things like bananas and carrots), and the reply was something like, "Yes, fruit does have calories, but it's not likely that anyone got fat from eating too many bananas."
    In other words, nobody gets fat from eating too many fruits and veggies. And weight loss really is about the calories, not fat or sugar in foods (though those do have a lot of calories). Just watch out for the sugar in juices and in other concentrated forms. Also it's better to just eat them raw/whole though because then you get the fiber.
  • barenda_101
    barenda_101 Posts: 18
    Sugar is sugar. Apples contain about 50% of their net sugar as fructose (same as found in corn) and dextrose and sucrose are going to be ubiquitous throughout all fruit. Fruit needs to be tracked just like anything else...weigh it out and look up the nutrition information.
  • wonderwomanwannaB
    Honestly. I think a significant part of my weight gain is from over indulgence of fruit. So I guess I'm the example that everyone above is looking for. I got fat from fruit. Fructose is natural sugar, but it's still sugar. Fruit juice can be just as sugary as soda pop. Again, natural, but still sugary.

    Most apples at the store here are actually 2 servings of fruit. Same with the average banana. 2-3 servings of fruit are recommended daily and I know I can catch myself hitting 8 easy. Maybe try swapping one of your later snacks for a veggie option and see if that helps.
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
    "Good" sugar or "bad" sugar, sugar is sugar and it is processed in the body pretty much the same. If you are insulin resistant or have some other type of metabolic issue such as diabetes this may be too much sugar. Fruits contain fructose which is a simple sugar. Also, are you taking the calories from the fruit into consideration for your calories for the day. Fruit is not a free food, a banana can have over 100 calories and a mango has about 135 calories.

    You might also try adding some protein or fat to the meal to stop the blood sugar spike that comes from eating a lot of sugar at once, even fruit sugar will cause this.

    Some links on expert advice on eating too much fruit.
  • Annadel
    Annadel Posts: 146 Member
    No wonder my face looks lot healthier and radiant than ever! May be its all the fruit!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Australian guidelines suggest 2 fruit and 5 veggie serves a day - which seems like a pretty good balance to me.
    I'd usually eat 2 or 3 serves of fruit a day, but I try to add some extra veggies in as snacks too to keep some balance.
    Really though, if you are healthy and feeling good, I wouldn't get too bothered about it.