

  • I do not work out indoors... and also I only get the dizziness when I come to the top of that hill. and It only last about 2-3 minutes then I am fine... I keep walking about another 45 minutes then trail ends....
  • I just can't seem to get motivated to just walk down my street... I know that sounds so dumb but I love nature and love walking in these woods I love looking at birds and deer (if they don't see you first) I love being the only one out there it's so serene it's like just me and the world and that's it!
  • Well the people at my job know my mom had a heart attack at a young age.... but what they don't know is that she did a lot of other things that I don't do... if you catch my drift!
  • OMG I only downloaded this site when I was going into the woods once to hike and as I was entering the 2 girls were coming out and I got to talking to them about the trails and stuff and they mentioned Endomondo to me so I downloaded it on my phone and never thought anything about setting my settings on it! I never…
  • Aww reading ur post made me sad... I used to swim alllllll the time as a kid I love swimming soooooo much but now I can't becuase I weigh so much I don't want ppl looking at me. I used to swim in my clothes at this local lake near me but ppl still stared! So now I just sit on in the grass and watch my 2 boys swim. Its so…
    in Excited Comment by natash7 May 2011
  • hahaha well actually I was kind of forced to do it... The bike wouldn't fit in the trunk of the car after we bought it from walmart! So I had no choice but to ride it home! lol But exercise is excersie! =)