Thank you! Yesterday (day 3) was the worst so far. I feel super weak and a bit shaky but today I feel much better. I am worried about the weekend though. I am sure I can do it. I really want to start working out but I am afraid to. When can I start that?
Anything is appropriate judging by some of the outfits that are walking out on the floor. Wear what will work. if you are swimming and the bikini just wont stay on I would say try something else. I know nothing about wearing bikinis (they dont come in my size) but if its excercise they need to be comfortable and non…
DO IT!!!! The only way to find out is if you go. If you cant complete it at least you gave it your all and will be even more motivated next year. There is Beer involved so it cant be too serious. besides its not like you need to WIN it, just completing it will boost your own moral. do it do it do it!!!
No I havent gone to the doctor. Thats a lot of scary words.... It is getting better over time. If it still hurts in a couple of weeks I will be sure to go. I think I just sprained it. Thank you though
just an update. I did get one and it sees to work great. I have only had it for 24 hours and trying not to over extend its use and have sore forearms the next day. I will say my wrist feels a bit better though. Not bad for $19 (or 5 big macs)
Ha! Fair enough. I will give that a try. Maybe crop dust all the people on the weights.
Must be just me.
I am going to refill my kegerator and have a proper BBQ. I assume that once I reach my weight I will have a routine in place and a small party wont be an issue
OOOH OOH!!! i know this one!!! Tilt the seat forward a little. I had the same issue. I felt like I was constantly peeing myself. I told a biking friend of mine and he told me to tilt the seat. It works!
24 hr fitness off of 4th plain in Vancouver and 24 hr fitness in Beaverton
I think I will get one and give it a try then. Thank you
See you soon!
I would be really upset if those were what popped
I have a couple pair of those. They feel so much better when I am more fit :)
The Precor 100i. I HATE that machine it should be banned for being an inhumane torture device. I M GOING TO MAKE IT MY b(**&h!!
Weeeeeeell 2 years ago after my divorce I went from 330 to 245 (on purpose). I met the girl of my dreams and I am now at 305ish... I quit what I started and now I am paying for it again, although this time I am in love and happy. Last year I tried again but slipped 2 discs and never got back on the horse until recently.…
Damn I only made it through half of that paragraph and then went and started doing wind sprints..... what a let down. :(
I am just going to go out on a limb here and say who cares?? You probably wont get an accurate BF% very easily. That being said I would pick one calculation and use it through out. Its like a scale I make sure I use the same one everytime at home. If its wrong it should always be wrong. You could use the Military tape…
ummmmmmm No
Simple is simple. Just treat him like a king that day (if you are spending the day with him). Let him relax and be absolutely stress free for the whole day. Thats all I ever want. Maybe a small token as well, something he can hold and think of you. Or a guitar....
IMO First of all i dont know how serious he was about leaving you butin the end. So what? You know his concern just do it occasionally. Maybe every 5th time or something just go tear his clothes off and abuse him for a while (call it a workout) and he will be happy. He just wants to feel wanted. What the hell else would…
HAHA Yeah there is always that concern
My daughter asked me when was I due?....
Vancouver/Beaverton here
Why is it that when I read the no 4-legged consumption my first thought was cannibolism??? Ew
sarai Angelina Jolie
Thats just the part that gets me to a "safe" place. I would rather drive into a horde vs run into a horde
Im more along the lines of drivingfrom(over)zombies... but I am there with you. No rage virus please