traumacode3 Member


  • Hey Adiostrasero, I totally think that the middle of October is realistic for a goal. I would like to caution you though that if your running is on a treadmill, you will have better times on that as opposed to outside. The outside brings another element or as my personal trainer says "another beast" because of the…
  • I saw her show also and would go and pay good money to see her again. I think she is genuine...
  • I really don't care what this douche said in his video. I turned if off when he got to the gay bar part...I had heard enough. I have also seen Jillian in person and found her very motivating with a wealth of knowledge. Granted I do not take her supplements but I would pay money again to sit 3 rows from a stage that she is…
  • This looks good since I love cabbage and pad thai!! Thanks!!
  • bump for later...think I am having the same problem...
  • Lol I would say if you weren't already attached to go for it!
  • LOL so are MILFs!!! I can think of a couple MILFs also that I wouldnt mind getting with....
  • I am answering this on a bittersweet morning. As I get up and prepare to get ready for my last official appointment with my dietitian in a 12 week weight loss program I would tell someone what my dietitian has taught me over 12 weeks. 1. This is a journey not a race. You didnt get where you are overnight and you won't get…
  • Hmmm I think I have several regrets but I have learned something from each of them. My most recent regret comes from my ex fiance. I in some ways regret ever meeting her but in others I dont. I do regret not having higher self esteem which caused problems in our relationship (I have worked on that for the past 10 weeks in…
  • Thank you for this. Your exactly right. I will continue to focus on me because its what is important. I must protect my heart. Prior to meeting her I had been single for 3 years and was ok with that. I wasnt looking when I met her and it just kinda happened that way but hey live and learn. I learned alot from this…
  • Thank you! When things happened at the beginning of June, I thought my life was over. I quickly saw it was far from that and I was so much better off without her. It took about a month after the break up for me to realize the last month of our relationship I really wanted out and my "I love you" to her was just words and…
  • Thank you all! I celebrated by having a healthy lunch with the receptionist from my doctors office who is a good friend. Then I checked in with the hospital chaplain who came over to the wellness center and met me weeks ago when I was so broken and in the beginning of this process. I wanted to thank him also for coming to…
  • Thank you! That means alot!
  • THANK YOU ALL for your kind words and encouragement. I really appreciate it. To tell you about me...I am 33 years old. I work full time in 911 communications and volunteer as an EMT. At the end of May, I was showing signs that I was having a heart attack. When I went to the doctor (because I am stubborn and refused to go…
  • Thank you for this as I love some Chipotle!!!
  • Hmmm I am so guilty of numbers 1 and 2 and you always get on me for both! I am incredibly lucky to have you as support and by my side!!!
  • I am so incredibly proud of you! You are amazing and I love you!! Keep up the great work and I will try my best to be a positive influence and keep healthy snacks coming your way!!
  • Now if you can just get your other half in gear with you it would be great! Rumor has it she wants to do 100 miles of Cardio in the month of January so hopefully that helps get her back on the wagon! By the way, if I haven't told you lately, I am so proud of you and how far you have come! Your doing amazing!