I need a little keto motivation also. I was firm with it for 5 months! Went on vacation and can’t get back!!!!
Yes! I got rid of all the chocolate today 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Ok, I have one at home, i'll just have to get it out and get comfortable using it! It's crazy how they are tricky about that kind of stuff!
Ok, fixed it =)
Um, honestly, i've been measuring my portions with my eyes. lol I need to not do that! My workouts, I tend to follow my fitbit watch. It'll let me know what I burnt based on my heart rate. I've been slowly gaining these 25 lbs for two years while simultaneously trying to not gain those 25 lbs.
So Yes, Honestly I feel like track religiously, but looking back I see i'm lacking in that aspect. So I plan to be more accountable with tracking. It has to be that, so I'll give it a better shot and see if that helps =)
Ok thanks Everyone. I'll turn my diary Public, I didn't realize it was even set to private. I feel like I try really hard every day to log. Sometimes I forgot and will go back and add things in so maybe people telling me i'm not logging accurately is just what I need! I've gained almost 25lbs slowly over the last two…
Pre pregnancy weight was 129 At the end of my first trimester I was 132 and now i'm at 15 weeks and i'm 133.5 This is my first pregnancy and i'm concerned i'm not gaining enough weight! I am hungry in the mornings, so I usually eat a big breakfast and then I'll eat a semi big lunch and then I can't even think about putting…
Mine is always__amber ( two underscores ) It's all about my fitness and weight loss journey =)
wooo, thanks =)
My instagram is always__amber ( with two underscores ) My IG is mainly about my healthy life or my animals =) Follow me!!!!!!
always__amber ( with two underscores ) My IG is mainly about working out or my pets lol
Hi. Instagram is so awesome for motivation! I use mine mainly for that also, my name is always__amber ( two underscores ) Add me!
always__Amber ( with two underscores ) =)
chest muscles!
I still drink Diet root beer every so often, but now I drink Spark. Here's the product bio AdvoCare Spark® Energy Drink mix is a unique multi-nutrient system that's designed to provide nutritionally advanced, long-lasting energy and enhanced mental focus.* Its 21 vitamins, minerals and nutrients work synergistically to…
I really feel like an idiot. I can't figure out no matter how many posts I read how to post pics
I agree, people should support each other!
Well good luck eating thousands of calories.
I see your pictures.
with all of this said, MFP is supposed to be about support, motivation. Everyone obviously is doing a great job with the weight loss. I don't understand the general lack of kindness some people show. It's not necessary. No one is a expert.
really? lol
No, your body doesnt need thousands of calories a day. Body builders eat that.
Yes. He recommends 1200-1400 calories to people. Obviously eating all that food hasnt made you guys very nice or friendly. =)
Also, I added all that into MFP, giving the benefit of the doubt and adding full fat stuff, and that all comes up to just a little over 700 calories. Like I said it's hard getting that many calories in
That's a tremendous amount of food for breakfast. I would have to shove that much down my throat, but if it's working for you Great! =)